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Will this get worse?


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I finally made the leap and bought a Standard 60's.  Got a pretty good deal, but it was still super expensive.  I was on the fence about keeping it, so I didn't do much to it for about 30 days.  Finally decided, yep, this one stays, and put it up on the bench to restring/condition fretboard/poke around, etc.  Anyway, there's a paint blem or maybe a bubble around the screw hole where the pickguard is.  If I were a pickguard off guy, that would bother me a lot more than it is.  I guess my question is, does it seem like this is going to get worse to the point where the nitro might start cracking?  I have a little over a week to box it back up.  (Also, I'm currently living in a place where the A/C doesn't exactly work all too good so this will be experiencing humidity changes frequently over the summer.  Not sure if that'll make the paint bubble thing worse faster?)



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I certainly see what you mean there.  If you are a pickguard on guy (like me), I would just leave it.  Pickgaurad off would be a non-starter for me - I would absolutely return it.   With the pickguard left on, I don't think it would get any worse.  A true luthier would know much better than I though.  With Gibson, there is always the risk that the replacement guitar might be worse!

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Probably will not get worse.  

but, --  if it's buggin you,  I would really consider an exchange, before the return window closes.

regarding the heat and humidity,  the case is for sure the safest place when not being played.

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