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If you could ask the Devil for anything what would it be?

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That is absolutely amazing that a person can have eyes to see and ears to hear yet be so blind and so deaf. To come away from seeing first hand evidence that supports the Biblical claims and never being able to connect the dots and see that how proven facts give credibility to the Bible.


But then again we cannot discount the fact that the bible says that those who do not belong to God cannot understand Him or His ways. I guess that is why you cannot see and cannot hear nor understand the ways of God.


So, when scientists connect the dots and come up with a theory that doesn't require a god, that's heresy. But if a Christian connects the dots and fills in the holes with their god, that's good?


Seeing archaelogical proof that a particular city existed does not make the Bible more true than any other history book. And, as we all know, the history books were written by the victors and spun to suit their needs. I can look at your same physical evidence and give explanations that require nothing more than a natural explanation involving phenomena that are seen regularly in human existence. You take the same evidence and add in a whole other entity that cannot be seen--only known by faith. *How* is that more logical?

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So' date=' when scientists connect the dots and come up with a theory that doesn't require a god, that's heresy. But if a Christian connects the dots and fills in the holes with their god, that's good?


Seeing archaelogical proof that a particular city existed does not make the Bible more true than any other history book. And, as we all know, the history books were written by the victors and spun to suit their needs. I can look at your same physical evidence and give explanations that require nothing more than a natural explanation involving phenomena that are seen regularly in human existence. You take the same evidence and add in a whole other entity that cannot be seen--only known by faith. *How* is that more logical?[/quote']


You are smarter than the rest of us! In another post, you were able to find arrowheads in your yard and tie them to Zeus and ancient Greece! Awesome Job!!!=D>

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You are smarter than the rest of us! In another post' date=' you were able to find arrowheads in your yard and tie them to Zeus and ancient Greece! Awesome Job!!!=D> [/quote']


I'm sorry you're incapable of understanding analogies, KSG. From now on, if you're involved in a conversation, I'll type slow and use smaller words.

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So' date=' when scientists connect the dots and come up with a theory that doesn't require a god, that's heresy. But if a Christian connects the dots and fills in the holes with their god, that's good?


Seeing archaelogical proof that a particular city existed does not make the Bible more true than any other history book. And, as we all know, the history books were written by the victors and spun to suit their needs. I can look at your same physical evidence and give explanations that require nothing more than a natural explanation involving phenomena that are seen regularly in human existence. You take the same evidence and add in a whole other entity that cannot be seen--only known by faith. *How* is that more logical?[/quote']


I don't believe I ever made a comment about science which obviously I could have never said it was heresy; don't know where that came from.


Biblical archaeology is more than simply proving that a city existed. For example lets look at the Lachish letters. These were letters were found in 1935. They were written on pottery and they were a cry for help because the Babylonian army was conquering a trail straight towards Jerusalem.


The city of Lachish was conquered by Nebuchadnezzar before the letters could be sent. They are important not because it proves that there was a city called Lachish. Instead they were important because the prophet Jeremiah prophesied the conquest of Judah, destruction of Jerusalem, and exile to Babylon. You can read the prophecy in 34:2-7 and the conquering of Jerusalem in 2Kings 24-25.


Here is what is so exciting - Jeremiah wrote his prophecies between 625-580BC. He predicted the fall of Jeruasalem something like 88 years prior to their destruction/deportation.


Furthermore not all history was written by the victors to fit their need. True the Egyptians did this exact thing hence the saying from the movie "The Ten Commandments" when Yule Brenners said "So let it be written, so let it be done" it was because that is exactly what they did. They would remove items from their history that painted them in a bad picture. This is also why one can only find a small amount of Egyptian evidence of the mass exodus from Egypt.


Yes adding faith does add another dimension. The Bible clearly says that without faith it is impossible to please God. It also says that those without the spirit of God one cannot understand the things of the spirit. Sorry I don't make the rules I'm just the messenger. So I don't expect you to understand anything about God and in fact you cannot.

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Here is what is so exciting - Jeremiah wrote his prophecies between 625-580BC. He predicted the fall of Jeruasalem something like 88 years prior to their destruction/deportation.


And how many prophecies did he make that didn't make it into the book because they never came true? I could predict right now that eventually Washington' date=' D.C. will fall. I could write it on one of my dinner plates and bury it in the yard. A hundred years from now, someone could find it and think--"Wow! That wicked1 is a prophecy whiz. She must be divinely inspired." Again--even if the "prophecy" was written prior to the happening, the book was edited LONG after any of those events occurred. The victors may not have written the history, but they sure as heck edited it.


Yes adding faith does add another dimension. The Bible clearly says that without faith it is impossible to please God. It also says that those without the spirit of God one cannot understand the things of the spirit. Sorry I don't make the rules I'm just the messenger. So I don't expect you to understand anything about God and in fact you cannot.


Oh, I understand it. I actually believed it until I was old enough to think for myself. Once I moved outside my comfort zone and learned more about the natural world around me, it was no longer necessary to fill in the gaps with mythical beings.

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Oh' date=' I understand it. I actually believed it until I was old enough to think for myself. Once I moved outside my comfort zone and learned more about the natural world around me, it was no longer necessary to fill in the gaps with mythical beings.[/quote']


You atheists are sooo smart! It's awesome!:-k

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Here is what is so exciting - Jeremiah wrote his prophecies between 625-580BC. He predicted the fall of Jeruasalem something like 88 years prior to their destruction/deportation.


You know what else is so exciting the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) predicted the downfall of Rome and the muslim conquest of Byzantium.

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And how many prophecies did he make that didn't make it into the book because they never came true? I could predict right now that eventually Washington' date=' D.C. will fall. I could write it on one of my dinner plates and bury it in the yard. A hundred years from now, someone could find it and think--"Wow! That wicked1 is a prophecy whiz. She must be divinely inspired." Again--even if the "prophecy" was written prior to the happening, the book was edited LONG after any of those events occurred. The victors may not have written the history, but they sure as heck edited it.


Oh, I understand it. I actually believed it until I was old enough to think for myself. Once I moved outside my comfort zone and learned more about the natural world around me, it was no longer necessary to fill in the gaps with mythical beings.[/quote']


Again it appears you don't get it. The books were not edited to fit their prophetical accuracey and this was again proven by archaeology when they found and translated the dead sea scrolls. In fact it proved that how accurate the old testament had been copied over the years and then of course this also proves that our current OT has been accurately copied. You can be certain that when you pick up a bible today it is pretty dog gone accurate from the original text.


You don't understand the Bible. You may have believed it, but it takes more than belief of the Bible to become a Christian. The bible itself even says that satan knows the scriptures, but he doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. Anyone can simply read the bible, go to church, and believe the Bible is true. None of that makes a person a Christian. It's all about a relationship with Christ. The only way to the Father is through Christ. The only way to become of the Spirit is through Christ.


The sad reality is that you were never a Christian and I know this because the bible clearly teaches that those who are true believers will not turn away from their belief. So the fact that you turned away tells me that you were never a believer in the first place.


Sorry - again I don't make the rules; I'm only the messenger.


Oh do you really want me to explain how the Israelites transcibed their texts over the centuries to show you that it's extremely unlikely that there were prophecies written that didn't come true and they "took out" or "edited" to fit their "perfect prophecies?" I can go there if you really want an explanation. I mean, any biblical doctrine you want to tackle I can go there and no I don't have all the answers, but I know what the Bible teaches well enoough that I am at peace with what I don't and cannot understand. Of course, until you place you undivided faith in Christ you really will not understand it.

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You know what else is so exciting the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) predicted the downfall of Rome and the muslim conquest of Byzantium.


Hmm I believe Jesus predicted the down fall of Rome before muhammad was a twinkling in his daddy's eye. Come to think of it, it was even before his great great great granddaddies eye too.

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Again it appears you don't get it. The books were not edited to fit their prophetical accuracey and this was again proven by archaeology when they found and translated the dead sea scrolls. In fact it proved that how accurate the old testament had been copied over the years and then of course this also proves that our current OT has been accurately copied. You can be certain that when you pick up a bible today it is pretty dog gone accurate from the original text.


You don't understand the Bible. You may have believed it' date=' but it takes more than belief of the Bible to become a Christian. The bible itself even says that satan knows the scriptures, but he doesn't believe in Jesus Christ. Anyone can simply read the bible, go to church, and believe the Bible is true. None of that makes a person a Christian. It's all about a relationship with Christ. The only way to the Father is through Christ. The only way to become of the Spirit is through Christ.


The sad reality is that you were never a Christian and I know this because the bible clearly teaches that those who are true believers will not turn away from their belief. So the fact that you turned away tells me that you were never a believer in the first place.


Sorry - again I don't make the rules; I'm only the messenger.


Oh do you really want me to explain how the Israelites transcibed their texts over the centuries to show you that it's extremely unlikely that there were prophecies written that didn't come true and they "took out" or "edited" to fit their "perfect prophecies?" I can go there if you really want an explanation. I mean, any biblical doctrine you want to tackle I can go there and no I don't have all the answers, but I know what the Bible teaches well enoough that I am at peace with what I don't and cannot understand. Of course, until you place you undivided faith in Christ you really will not understand it.[/quote']


Once again you do not seem to understand the (Prophet Muhammad blessed be his name) predicted the Downfall of Rome and the Persian Empire so my question is how can you refuse to believe in the Quran with all the prophecies that have been fulfilled.

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Hmm I believe Jesus predicted the down fall of Rome before muhammad was a twinkling in his daddy's eye. Come to think of it' date=' it was even before his great great great granddaddies eye too.[/quote']


Jesus did not predict the Muslim conquest of Byzantium, Now did he.


Give me the passage where Jesus predicted the down fall of rome?

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Hmm I believe Jesus predicted the down fall of Rome before muhammad was a twinkling in his daddy's eye. Come to think of it' date=' it was even before his great great great granddaddies eye too.[/quote']


I find it odd that you would tell someone about prophecies in the Bible but reject so called prophecies from the Quran.

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The Quran also predicted AIDS.




"It never happens that permissiveness overwhelms a people to the extent that they display their acts of sex shamelessly and they are not uniquely punished by God. Among them, invariably, pestilence is made to spread and such other diseases, the like of which have never been witnessed by their forefathers." (Ibn-e-Majah, Kitab-ul-Fitan)

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Apparently Noah's flood was the Etch and Sketch version of the end of the world.


I do not understand why God even wasted his time flooding the earth he could have just made everyone disappear with a blink of an eye and bring Noah and two of every Animal up in heaven while he started over.


Its a sad day when Humans can come up with a better plan than gods.

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I thought is was a profile of Ted Nugent . . . =D>


In the meantime' date=' I'll take an R9, Cognacburst please.[/quote']


I still haven't received my Cognacburst R9 dammit . . .


Some poll this is! =D>


Satan just can't be trusted, let's face it.

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Jesus did not predict the Muslim conquest of Byzantium' date=' Now did he.


Give me the passage where Jesus predicted the down fall of rome?[/quote']


Thought you'd never ask.


Since God is comprised of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit and since God is the author of the Bible, all of the text is from Jesus. This is why some do not use a "red letter" edition of the Bible becuase it is All inspired and given from God.


You see in the old testament book of Daniel, the kingdoms are predicted that will rise and fall and yes rome is one of them as predicted by the pre-incarnate Jesus and given to Daniel as an interpretation to King Nubuchadnezzar.


Now I don't believe I ever made mention about the quran at all. Why would you bring this up? Unless your goal is simply to argue which I have no interest.


As for muslims they came from Abraham which is why they are still around today. God promised to make his children as numerous as the sands of the ocean. However, Ismael (abrahams son from his wife's salve) was not the son God promised Abraham. The promised son, Isaac would be the lineage where salvation for all who believe would come. This is also why the Israelites were Holy and other nations were not - God choose them to be His people.


So again I said nothing of the quran. However, I will say that Jesus said, "I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life and no one comes to the Father but through me." So if you're following the teachings of the quran, I'm sorry you loose. Don't pass go, don't collect your 12 raisens (the correct translation of 'virgins') and go to hell when you die. However, if you place your faith in Christ this can be avoided.


Again, I don't make the rules - I'm just passing along information.


I'm getting bored with you too. Do you actually have any guitars?

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