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Is this an example of your Atheist or Progressive compassion? I get confused Comrade...=D>


What does your manifesto say?=D>


No it's an example of your compassionate conservatism.

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According to you...conservatives are hateful' date=' selfish, authoritarians....how can there be such a thing as compassionate conservatism?=D>


Another GOOD try Comrade!=D> [/quote']


It was an ironic point moron.

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Ahh...Jesus. He *also* brought nothing new to the table. That's why I stopped believing in him as the "one true god." Check out Mithra. Check out the 12 resurrected "Messiahs." Check out Buddhism.


There's nothing new in Christianity. Nothing special. Not even in the archaeology.


And before the preacher chimes in' date=' it was the campus chaplain--an ordained minister--who taught me all about the world's religions and ended up being the end of my belief![/quote']


Just more proof that you were never a true believer in Christ to begin with. Nothing new here with you.

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Just more proof that you were never a true believer in Christ to begin with. Nothing new here with you.


I think I know her a bit better then you. If you want to make those generalizations to me then I'd probably agree with you, but Wicked1 doesn't half *** anything. If she says she was a believer then you should take it at face value. She doesn't have the capability to be deceitful.


As a student of the human, as you are, I assume since your in the business of dealing with people; you should be able to tell an obvious lie from a general truth. To doubt one's faith is to put all your beliefs and everyone's in doubt.

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Ahh...Jesus. He *also* brought nothing new to the table. That's why I stopped believing in him as the "one true god." Check out Mithra. Check out the 12 resurrected "Messiahs." Check out Buddhism.


There's nothing new in Christianity. Nothing special. Not even in the archaeology.


And before the preacher chimes in' date=' it was the campus chaplain--an ordained minister--who taught me all about the world's religions and ended up being the end of my belief![/quote'] There again was any of your 12 actually verified in historical documents i.e. The roman historian Josephus. Jesus was actually seen after the being crucified, had interaction with people, both believer and doubter alike.

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I think I know her a bit better then you. If you want to make those generalizations to me then I'd probably agree with you' date=' but Wicked1 doesn't half *** anything. If say says she was a believer then you should take it at face value. She doesn't have the capability to be deceitful.


As a student of the human, as you are, I assume since your in the business of dealing with people; you should be able to tell an obvious lie from a general truth. To doubt one's faith is to put all your beliefs and everyone's in doubt.




I don't think she is being deceitful at all. I believe she truly believes that at one time she was a christian. I'm just saying that according to the bible it teaches that true believers will not walk away.


I would hope you know that I don't make up what I want to believe and find bible text to prove it. Just the opposite - I come to the Bible with intent on finding the teaching and following it the best I can - sometimes I do better than other times (ie: I'm not perfect), but the Lord is gracious and forgiving and always trying to lead me to become better.


I've known deacons serving in churches that thought they were christian too, but after knowing some of the things they have done it tells me that either they are living in disobedience to the lord or they are not saved and I've seen both.

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Ahh...Jesus. He *also* brought nothing new to the table. That's why I stopped believing in him as the "one true god." Check out Mithra. Check out the 12 resurrected "Messiahs." Check out Buddhism.


There's nothing new in Christianity. Nothing special. Not even in the archaeology.


And before the preacher chimes in' date=' it was the campus chaplain--an ordained minister--who taught me all about the world's religions and ended up being the end of my belief![/quote'] Actually Mithraism was a religion practiced by the Roman army mostly in 1-3 A.D. the attempt to draw parallels to Christianity are laughable at best. It had it's beginnings in Persia ( now Iran ), for those geographically impaired.

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I don't think she is being deceitful at all. I believe she truly believes that at one time she was a christian. I'm just saying that according to the bible it teaches that true believers will not walk away.


I would hope you know that I don't make up what I want to believe and find bible text to prove it. Just the opposite - I come to the Bible with intent on finding the teaching and following it the best I can - sometimes I do better than other times (ie: I'm not perfect)' date=' but the Lord is gracious and forgiving and always trying to lead me to become better.


I've known deacons serving in churches that thought they were christian too, but after knowing some of the things they have done it tells me that either they are living in disobedience to the lord or they are not saved and I've seen both.[/quote']


No offense intended, but that seems to convenient. That gives anyone the ability to say your faith wasn't strong enough.


I'm sorry Mrs. Jones, but little Johny was hit by a bus. He has passed away. Perhaps if only Mrs. Jones had had more faith.


Or: The BK killer was a man of god. A deacon at his church. "He wasn't a real Christian".


This allows you of the cross or what ever faith to pick and choose who you deem as the real thing. I find that whole concept to be misleading and fraudulent. No matter what someone does. The moment they do something wrong you can excommunicate them from the faith. With that logic no one can truly be a member of any church. Since as you all like to say we are all sinners.

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Actually Mithraism was a religion practiced by the Roman army mostly in 1-3 A.D. the attempt to draw parallels to Christianity are laughable at best. It had it's beginnings in Persia ( now Iran )' date=' for those geographically impaired. [/quote']


I think you should recheck your sources.



by David Ulansey

Author of


(Oxford University Press, 1991)


Our earliest evidence for the Mithraic mysteries places their appearance in the middle of the first century B.C.: the historian Plutarch says that in 67 B.C. a large band of pirates based in Cilicia (a province on the southeastern coast of Asia Minor) were practicing "secret rites" of Mithras. The earliest physical remains of the cult date from around the end of the first century A.D., and Mithraism reached its height of popularity in the third century. In addition to soldiers, the cult's membership included significant numbers of bureaucrats and merchants. Women were excluded. Mithraism declined with the rise to power of Christianity, until the beginning of the fifth century, when Christianity became strong enough to exterminate by force rival religions such as Mithraism.

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No offense intended' date=' but that seems to convenient. That gives anyone the ability to say your faith wasn't strong enough.


I'm sorry Mrs. Jones, but little Johny was hit by a bus. He has passed away. Perhaps if only Mrs. Jones had had more faith.


Or: The BK killer was a man of god. A deacon at his church. "He wasn't a real Christian".


This allows you of the cross or what ever faith to pick and choose who you deem as the real thing. I find that whole concept to be misleading and fraudulent. No matter what someone does. The moment they do something wrong you can excommunicate them from the faith. With that logic no one can truly be a member of any church. Since as you all like to say we are all sinners.





Faith doesn't make you rich or healthy or bring you good "luck" that's not what it's all about.


The bible tells us that ALL men are sinners and fall short of the will of God. We aren't saved by our actions, salvation is free and CAN'T be earned...


The very acts of people like the BK killer show that he was not following in the footsteps of Christ...


You look at Christianity like its just a religion...true Christianity isn't about following ANY religious precepts or man made doctrine...true Christianity is following Christ.

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No offense intended' date=' but that seems to convenient. That gives anyone the ability to say your faith wasn't strong enough.


I'm sorry Mrs. Jones, but little Johny was hit by a bus. He has passed away. Perhaps if only Mrs. Jones had had more faith.


Or: The BK killer was a man of god. A deacon at his church. "He wasn't a real Christian".


This allows you of the cross or what ever faith to pick and choose who you deem as the real thing. I find that whole concept to be misleading and fraudulent. No matter what someone does. The moment they do something wrong you can excommunicate them from the faith. With that logic no one can truly be a member of any church. Since as you all like to say we are all sinners.



I understand what you're saying, but we're really talking about different doctrines at one point. To say your faith wasn't strong enough is a false teaching and is not found in the Bible at all - this is more the false Joel Osteen teaching and the "name it, claim it" false teachings.


and yes, if a deacon in the church turned out to be a "BK killer" then it's safe to say he wasn't a follower of Christ. I would say the same about those who bomb abortion clinics in the name of christ because you and I know (if you believed in Christ and His teachings that is) that someone putting into practice the teachings of Jesus would not do such a thing.


On the other hand the teaching that true believers will not walk away from Christ is entirely different.

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Homz' date='


Faith doesn't make you rich or healthy or bring you good "luck" that's not what it's all about.


The bible tells us that ALL men are sinners and fall short of the will of God. We aren't saved by our actions, salvation is free and CAN'T be earned...


The very acts of people like the BK killer show that he was not following in the footsteps of Christ...


You look at Christianity like its just a religion...true Christianity isn't about following ANY religious precepts or man made doctrine...true Christianity is following Christ.




I'm not talking about your bible I'm talking about the propensity of many to simply wish someone out of their faith because they deem that person unworthy. I hear it all the time. You might not like that the KKK is a Christian organization, but it doesn't change the fact that they are one. That's all I am saying.


DJroge1 might like to think that Wicked1 wasn't a real christian, but it doesn't change the fact that she was one.

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I'm not talking about your bible I'm talking about the propensity of many to simply wish someone out of their faith because they deem that person unworthy. I hear it all the time. You might not like that the KKK is a Christian organization' date=' but it doesn't change the fact that they are one. That's all I am saying.


DJroge1 might like to think that Wicked1 wasn't a real christian, but it doesn't change the fact that she was one.



You are still missing the point...calling yourself a Christian doesn't make you a Christian...any more than calling yourself a tree makes you a tree...or calling yourself a drummer makes you a drummer...


If we could be whatever we wanted just by calling ourselves a new name, do you think I'd be sitting at a desk foruming with you?

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You are still missing the point...calling yourself a Christian doesn't make you a Christian...any more than calling yourself a tree makes you a tree...or calling yourself a drummer makes you a drummer...


If we could be whatever we wanted just by calling ourselves a new name' date=' do you think I'd be sitting at a desk foruming with you?[/quote']


I didn't just *call* myself a Christian, KSG. I don't question your beliefs just because you come into an online forum and call people names. If you say you believe, then I will take that at face value. It's too easy to just say "Well, you didn't really believe or you wouldn't have changed your mind." (Go ahead and make some sarcastic reply. Maybe you could just copy/paste it from another thread).


At the age of 13, I was baptized. Two years later, I was confirmed and became a member of my church. I went to a Methodist college. I served in the church for many years in several capacities. I taught Sunday school. I led others to the "joy of Jesus." Then, I grew up. I made that horrible "mistake" of asking questions. I met people who weren't Christian and weren't the evil-doers that I'd been taught they must be just by virtue of being non-Christian. I learned about science. I learned about other religions. I tried to reconcile what I believed with what I could see. I was very comfortable for years in believing that God directs evolution and started the Big Bang. I tried to understand how Christianity could be the only "true" religion when there were so many others under the sun that taught many of the same things.


It took about 10 years before I finally reached a point where I decided that the god part of the whole equation was irrelevant to me. I have a values system that I am comfortable with that doesn't require me to stop and ask myself "What Would Jesus Do?" It truly does not matter to me what someone else believes. As long as they aren't hurting me or my family or banging on my door on Saturday morning, more power to 'em. Some people derive a lot of benefit from their religion. I did at one time. I get that. But I no longer consider that necessary for my life.

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And before anybody comes up with that snappy "It was just that Church" argument. I've been to many different Christian churches in my lifetime--lots of denominations and different congregations. It wasn't any particular group of people that "soured" me or "turned me against religion."

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I don't care what you want to believe Wicked1...do you think you are the first person to "lose" your faith when you got to college?

You and Homz and THHG and everybody else, BELIEVE what you want! More power to you...But I won't sit back quietly while you and your atheist friends deride my belief system...I'm not very good at turning the other cheek....I don't proselytize to you, and you and your "intellectually superior" God haters shouldn't be proselytizing your humanist faith either...Every time you, Homz, THHG or anybody starts a thread or post intended to knock someone else for their beliefs, then I'm going to get in your face....Good luck and more power to you.

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I don't care what you want to believe Wicked1...do you think you are the first person to "lose" your faith when you got to college?

You and Homz and THHG and everybody else' date=' BELIEVE what you want! More power to you...But I won't sit back quietly while you and your atheist friends deride my belief system...I'm not very good at turning the other cheek....I don't proselytize to you, and you and your "intellectually superior" God haters shouldn't be proselytizing your humanist faith either...Every time you, Homz, THHG or anybody starts a thread or post intended to knock someone else for their beliefs, then I'm going to get in your face....Good luck and more power to you.[/quote']


I didn't knock your belief. And no, I don't think I'm the first person to change my mind about my faith. BUT don't think that you can spew some holier-than-thou crap about how we just "Hate God" or "Never really believed." Maybe you need to work on understanding a distinction between disagreeing with someone or questioning someone and "knocking" them. I don't not like you because you're a believer. I don't like you because I think you're an ***.


I don't question what you say you believe. If you can't give the same respect to a person who believes differently, that isn't MY problem. I don't proselytize ANY faith, but I will refute your BS. Read up a bit on the founding of this country. Take a class in Constitutional law (I have).


Pardon the hell out of me if I think human beings already on this earth deserve a bit of respect no matter what their beliefs or that I think health care is not a privilege. Guess what? That hasn't changed from the time I was part of the church until now.

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I didn't knock your belief. And no' date=' I don't think I'm the first person to change my mind about my faith. BUT don't think that you can spew some holier-than-thou crap about how we just "Hate God" or "Never really believed." Maybe you need to work on understanding a distinction between disagreeing with someone or questioning someone and "knocking" them. I don't not like you because you're a believer. I don't like you because I think you're an ***.


I don't question what you say you believe. If you can't give the same respect to a person who believes differently, that isn't MY problem. I don't proselytize ANY faith, but I will refute your BS. Read up a bit on the founding of this country. Take a class in Constitutional law (I have).


Pardon the hell out of me if I think human beings already on this earth deserve a bit of respect no matter what their beliefs or that I think health care is not a privilege. Guess what? That hasn't changed from the time I was part of the church until now. [/quote']


You and your husband and others have knocked Christianity plenty...You and Homz say that you don't hate God or Christians, your actions show differently. Let me try this again slowly for you...




I have never posted a thread like your buffoon of a husband does, or like those of the hate filled THHG...but I will participate in them if I see them and I'll argue as vociferously as I choose to. Where do you think all of the threads about religion start? Respect is earned...be happy with your own beliefs and quit spewing your hate filled venom and I won't have anything negative to say to you.


I have studied the subject of US history quite a bit...I have a B.A. in History from UH and a B.S. in MIS from N.C. Wesleyan. I'm quite well educated thanks, I just see the world differently than you.


I don't like you or Homz, because I think you both are dumba$$es. You both think that you are superior to conservatives and Christians and anybody who doesn't buy in to your freakishly weird belief system. You and your hubby are both full of hate and for some reason the two of you believe that everyone else owes you something....I don't owe you anything. I won't sit quietly while you or anybody else spews lies and half truths...


So, good luck to you!

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