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Question- Two Choices


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Good Afternoon,

I'm here because I value your opinions as experts...so here goes. I own a Gibson Songwriter made out of KOA. It is in mint shape...plays like a dream. I bought it for two reasons...one, the sound and two, I look at it as somewhat of an investment (custom shop, not many made, etc.). Having said that, I know that no one has the ability to fortell the future. I have a Gibson Acoustic Southern Jumbo (with the double inlays) in my sights. I could trade the KOA and get the Southern Jumbo without taking that big of a hit. So here is my question, out of these two guitars, which one do you guys think will hold more value in 30 years from now. All things considered. Any advise would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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The Southern Jumbo is always a great guitar and I like the look of them better than a Songwriter. However being a Koa there will always be a high demand for something that is somewhat unique or 'out of the ordinary' Its a hard one! If it were a custom shop I would definately say the Southern Jumbo!! I think your votes will tally in favour of the Southern Jumbo but probably because it is a more popular guitar and not necessarily because people think it will be worth more in 30 years. I am far from an expert but that is what I think. Hope it helps!!


Isnt there some way you could have em both???=P~


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Don't ask me. If I could look into the future I sure as heck would not have sold my '59 Les Paul for $750.


I love SJs and am not convinced that fancy wood=tone wood.


But I would say just get the one you want and don't worry about the investment stuff. Based on what most 50 year old Gibson J-45s and SJs are worth today, I am guessing you will never be able to retire on what either one of those guitars will bring 30 years anyway.

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Thanks for the input...Sounds like maybe I should switch them out...then I read some of these posts, and it becomes a TOUGH decision. I WISH that there was a away for me to keep both of them, but I don't think it's possible. HELP!!!! Come on others!!!! ChIME IN PLEASE!!!!

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Recently, I purchased my Southern Jumbo TV. I still believe this is one of the best sounding guitars that I've ever heard. And it's a really good-looking guitar! Classic looks and tone! You just can't go wrong with it.

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As it say in Gibson 101. The SJ has got a great sound (thump bass, clear top, thick mids) that works in most every style (though it might look strange at a black tie event). That kind of thing tends to hold value. An SWD would have more limited applications (chunky country/rock rhythm strums) and, as a cousin of the Hummingbird, lacks the pedigree, fancy woods notwithstanding (I have yet to play a Koa box that moved me). But, again it gets down to tone and feel and who you are as a musician. Have you played the SJ--or a J45 (similar)? Better do so before making a move of this order

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I originally intended to buy the SJ...it was on hold for another customer, therefore I settled and bought the KOA SWD. Don't get me wrong, the SWD has a very nice sound to it, but I don't "feel it". I have played both guitars and the sounds are a bit different...I can't quite describe it. Again, the SWD has a mellow, softer tonality...almost like a Taylor, where the SJ sound is different in another way....heavier, I would even say. Another deciding factor is value...I know both guitars sound "good" or "acceptable", but out of the two, which would or may even have a tendency to hold it's value.

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SJ all the way


I have owned koa instruments, they do nothing for me visually or sonically

largely hype... if it wasn;t hard to get, no one would care ( same goes for Adirondack)


Songwriters are a bit too new age

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The masses (experts) have spoken. I went ahead and switched them out. As they say, out with the old and in with the new. Of course, you realize that should this guitar NOT hold it's value after 30 years, I will come and get all of you guys :- On a serious note, thanks for the advise!!







Say hello to my NEW lil freng:



Of course, now that it is said and done, I STILL want your thoughts, feedback, etc.

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