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Should gay couples be allowed to adopt?


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You see the words' date=' but you don't see the meaning. I don't have the time or space here to educate you. Besides, you're a liberal, in the end you would still reject it.[/quote']


So what I gleaned from your statement is that liberals are not worthy of the word of god or perhaps are not capable of understanding it.


Every description of Jesus I've read or heard would make me believe he was a liberal. You know all that talk about the meek and such.

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So' date=' he was angry at gays and gave them AIDS. Is that your theory?


The last time I checked AIDS doesn't discriminate against gays or heterosexuals. It is an equal opportunity infector.


Also, the origins of HIV is a simian immunodeficiency virus. So I guess god hates monkeys as much as he does gays.









He only hates gay monkeys...=P~

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He only hates gay monkeys...=P~


It was I who spoke of what God has given to the Man who has Sexual Intercourse with other Men and Monkeys.


Sorry it's just my Opinion (one of many) and Yea he only hates Gay Men/ Monkey's

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No Homz. Never said that and thats a twisted and sick interpretation of what I stated.


It's a good healthy thing for a child to see normal Affection and love between his mother and father interacting Daily.


Not Seeing love and Affection between two men. That will twist and Alter a young Healthy mind.

So not only is it ok to degrade women by using a rotating pair of Breast on your avatar' date=' for all the kids to see, But straight people aren't effected by AIDS. Or should I say the Mentally Healthy were infected by the Mentally Ill.


Now lets take you point about a Child seeing Normal Affection between His/Her parents. I couldn't agree more. When His/Her parents fight, yell, and hurt each other, it's a very unhealthy atmosphere.


Certainly you can see that a child who is up for adoption is in a loveless situation. It's not like Gay's are going to be raising children that should be raised by biological parents. It's a choice between Adopted Parents and Orphanage, or Adopted Parents and Foster Programs. I'd rather have the kid Adopted by two Gays than the System. You're putting way to much emphasis on Sex in a relationship.


[i']Just to nip the accusations in the bud, I'm not gay.[/i]

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Almost hypnotized me. I woke up when the drool hit my chest.

Yea now that's what God intended for men and women to feel about some of his best Creations.


Oh yea did I mention, that it's O.K. by me and God for Lesbians to carry on and are Encouraged to carry on in Public and anywhere they damn please and it's O.K for them to Adopt.


Because sorry that's just the way it is

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Wading past all the manure and ill-informed opinions on this subject, let me say that they should absolutely be able to adopt. If you stick to facts and research and science on the subject and put aside any so-called theological objections, you'll get that gay and lesbian couples can and do provide great homes for kids, and they often provide homes for those who are the most disadvantaged.

I'm a public school teacher, and let me tell you that in all my years of teaching, I've seen a tremendous amount of kids messed up due to neglect, abuse, divorce, substance abuse...the list goes on. I'm here to tell you that if a gay couple wants to provide a loving home to some of those kids, God bless them.

I'm sick and tired of people saying that being gay is a choice. Nine times out of 10, it's the way you are born.

I find it so interesting that the Right is supposedly the party of less government, but when it comes to how people conduct their personal lives, they throw a Bible in your face and try to legislate accordingly.

I have not seen one credible, independent study that shows being raised by a gay or lesbian couple somehow warps your mind in some terrible way. If you have - and remember: CREDIBLE and INDEPENDENT - seen such a study, I'd love to see it.

This is another issue where people need to face reality. Even if you are AGAINST homosexuality, why would you deny a child a good home?

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Wading past all the manure and ill-informed opinions on this subject' date=' let me say that they should absolutely be able to adopt. If you stick to facts and research and science on the subject and put aside any so-called theological objections, you'll get that gay and lesbian couples can and do provide great homes for families, and they often provide homes for kids who are the most disadvantaged.

I'm a public school teacher, and let me tell you that in all my years of teaching, I've seen a tremendous amount of kids messed up due to neglect, abuse, divorce, substance abuse...the list goes on. I'm here to tell you that if a gay couple wants to provide a loving home to some of those kids, God bless them.

I'm sick and tired of people saying that being gay is a choice. Nine times out of 10, it's the way you are born.

I find it so interesting that the Right is supposedly the party of less government, but when it comes to how people conduct their personal lives, they throw a Bible in your face and try to legislate accordingly.

I have not seen one credible, independent study that shows being raised by a gay or lesbian couple somehow warps your mind in some terrible way. If you have - and remember: CREDIBLE and INDEPENDENT - seen such a study, I'd love to see it.

This is another issue where people need to face reality. Even if you are AGAINST homosexuality, why would you deny a child a good home?[/quote']


One such study was posted earlier in the thread...you should read it...=P~

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One such study was posted earlier in the thread...you should read it...=P~


Ah, KSG, I can always count on you for posting a study funded by Right-Wing thinkers. The Marriage Law Project is made up of people who are homophobic and would naturally oppose gay adoption. Nice try though.

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It's not an Issue of Denying a Home for a Child that needs one.


It just needs to be a Healthy Envirornment for a child, and


God does not bless the Gay-Man nor would he Bless the Gay man couple


that would probably want to try and Adopt a small boy and carry on and


call him his son.

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Ah' date=' KSG, I can always count on you for posting a study funded by Right-Wing thinkers. The Marriage Law Project is made up of people who are homophobic and would naturally oppose gay adoption. Nice try though.[/quote']


And the others funded by the heterophobes. Now we're even.

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And the others funded by the heterophobes. Now we're even.


Wow, that's a new one. Fear of straight people. I haven't seen any gay protesters asking for straight people to please - please - stop pro-creating and change their lifestyles. That's because they know we're a free country, and they shouldn't impose their beliefs on others. What a novel concept.

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Ah' date=' KSG, I can always count on you for posting a study funded by Right-Wing thinkers. The Marriage Law Project is made up of people who are homophobic and would naturally oppose gay adoption. Nice try though.[/quote']



Good try on your part heymisterk, you asked for a study, I presented one. You can agree or disagree with it as you see fit. Finding scientific studies on the issue is not easy, as there aren't many...


So, the issue comes down to opinions, you and Comrade Lee Harvey Spoonz have your opinion and the rest of us have ours too...=P~

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Good try on your part heymisterk' date=' you asked for a study, I presented one. You can agree or disagree with it as you see fit. Finding scientific studies on the issue is not easy, as there aren't many...


So, the issue comes down to opinions, you and Comrade Lee Harvey Spoonz have your opinion and the rest of us have ours too...=P~ [/quote']


Absolutely. I hope you and your comrades are lining up to adopt kids - teenagers from the inner-city mostly - since you are so against them being raised by gays and lesbians. Come on! What better chance to inflict that good 'ol, right wing philosophy on a captive audience?

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It's not an Issue of Denying a Home for a Child that needs one.


It just needs to be a Healthy Envirornment for a child' date=' and


God does not bless the Gay-Man nor would he Bless the Gay man couple


that would probably want to try and Adopt a small boy and carry on and


call him his son.[/quote']

so it's not the Homosexuality you have a problem with, it's the Godlessness?

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Absolutely. I hope you and your comrades are lining up to adopt kids - teenagers from the inner-city mostly - since you are so against them being raised by gays and lesbians. Come on! What better chance to inflict that good 'ol' date=' right wing philosophy on a captive audience?[/quote']


You don't think it's better if the kids are adopted and indoctrinated into your anti-American, socialist, heterophobic ways?

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so it's not the Homosexuality you have a problem with' date=' it's the Godlessness?[/quote']


I feel that most kids that are up for Adoption have already had it Bad (to say the least) and to place them into a Gay couples home for gay love would further screw them up

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Wait a minute only Gays. Lesbians can Adopt.

Ok, I;m not gonna argue with you anymore. If I have to explain to you that Lesbians are Gay, then It's just gonna get too time consuming. Carry on with your beliefs, but please don't vote.

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