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World of Warcraft


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I've been playing since the beta. It's a good way to spend free time, for me anyway. I know a lot of people will be saying stuff about pissing your time away on this and that, people who get addicted and so on, but whatever. As if most people lead such productive and meaningful lives anyway. Most people fall asleep in front of, or even worse - actually watch TV all night after work. I play a game while chatting with some good friends, some I know in real life, and some I don't.


Sadly as with most of these games it depends a lot on the people you end up playing with. Most players are lvl80 now and you'll be starting from scratch, so it might be pretty lonely in the beginning. As for what class to play, race, faction and so on... don't worry about it. Take what seems interesting, fun, awesome, or even just cute to you. Try asking around in the chat channels or on the realm forums about guilds for new players. The social aspect is a huge part of this game, so it's best to get into that as soon as you can, getting groups for the harder quests, doing dungeons, or just to have people to bug with your questions.


Good luck, and have fun!

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I've actually played many online games over the years. Diablo, Baldard's Gate etc. etc. ... I got really tired of the PKs. Player Killers that is. There always seems to be some smart *** hacker who breaks the code and becomes invisible or makes himself a 99th level player.

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I've been playing WoW for a couple of years now. When you log in to the beginner area (very good for getting started), look for characters with a yellow ! above their heads - these guys give quests. After you get a quest from a character, it will most likely turn into a grey ?. After you do whatever you need to do to complete the quest, the ? will turn yellow so you'll know that you have a quest to turn into that character.


I've been playing mmorpgs for over ten years and they're a helluva lot of fun. World of Warcraft is one of the best designed ones out there; if you don't like it, chances are that that style of game isn't for you - but do give it a good chance. Just be careful not to get TOO wrapped up into the online world.

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