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Isn't This a Holiday Weekend?


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This is a Four day weekend, Correct? (At least for the U.S.A. members)

Besides the typical spring/summer house project and BBQ, this weekend is a BIG one for music fans in Seattle-




Tons of performances, stages, workshops--- and it's all free. Folklife is the annual 'coming out' of the hidey hole for NW traditional musicians. Friends reappear and we all get reacquainted and JAM till our fingers fall off!! Most of us also are on stage with different groups and in various combinations--it's really a lot of fun.


I think Seattle's FOlklife is one of the last of the big city free folkfests that were begun in the 60-70's.


Anyone else making music this weekend?

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Just like every other Friday night! I'll be getting my "hoe-down" on playing with the bluegrass band. Ya know, that music really is a blast to play! Then on Monday , I have a solo thing that popped-up. That's where I get to do my Neil Young, Eagles, America thing! A lot of fun this weekend!

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P.S. - Let's not forget the reason for the Holiday. Take time to remember those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice for our dear freedom. It's something that we all take for granted sometimes. Because of them we are able to enjoy the freedom of playing the music we enjoy without the fear of persecution. Salute to those who have fallen.

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Isn't it curious that we show our respect to our soldiers by giving ourselves a day off? I wish we could see our way to increasing the size of our military so its members aren't forced to stay in beyond their original hitch, return to combat for multiple tours, etc. It would be nice if they didn't have to endure lines, paperwork, and indignities at home when they've become disabled while defending us. Better pay and benefits wouldn't be spurned by our warriors either.

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Isn't it curious that we show our respect to our soldiers by giving ourselves a day off?


The Memorial Day holiday was originally called Decoration Day...people would visit and decorate the graves of their relatives and friends who had died fighting for the Union in the Civil War. The day was set aside for that purpose.

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I know and I agree completely with Larry's sentiment above. I do wonder if our war dead wouldn't say that the best thing we could do to honor them would be to do the square thing by their living comrades.

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What part of the country can I go to get a 4 day weekend in May.


That would be here in the Northwest--We seem to take every opportunity to stretch those three day weekends into 4!:-({|=


Monday is Memorial Day- and yes, it is good to finally see plans to improve the lot of men and women who are in service to our country! Long overdue.

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