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Pick Up replacements for Lucille


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Hi everyone - i thinking of replacing the pick ups on my lucille - they are just a little too bright for my current project - and im looking for more of a les paul sound that gives me nice crunch and good clean tones. Im thinking about classic 57's, but do any of you have other suggestions.



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I know of someone that Had the Same Problem with his and He Ended up with 250k pot and played around with Quite a few caps until he got it the way he liked it. Got rid of his thin/tinny sound but he had 57's already

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I have a BB King and to my ears they are darker and smokier sounding than most humbuckers that i have heard. 57's are the standard humbuckers for most gibson archtops, (not the howard roberts) because their tone is articulate and can be mellow or brite, however, they are definitely not darker sounding than the stock "BB" pickups. i get a great Pat Martino sound on the BB, by just rolling the tone off (as normal) on the neck pickup, in the number 1 position. Good luck on your quest, but the BB pickups are some of the darker,, but articulate stock pickups that i am aware of.


You could probably get lindy fralin or another custom winder to make something up for you. good luck, let us know what you find.

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I have a BB King and to my ears they are darker and smokier sounding than most humbuckers that i have heard. 57's are the standard humbuckers for most gibson archtops' date=' (not the howard roberts) because their tone is articulate and can be mellow or brite, however, they are definitely not darker sounding than the stock "BB" pickups. i get a great Pat Martino sound on the BB, by just rolling the tone off (as normal) on the neck pickup, in the number 1 position. Good luck on your quest, but the BB pickups are some of the darker,, but articulate stock pickups that i am aware of.





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I have 490R and 490T on an Epi Dot. Not the 498. Lucille has 490r and 490t's. They're basically '57 classics that are a little overwound. When you increase the pickup output -- whether it's by overwinding or a stronger magnet or maybe even by raising the pickup closer to the strings -- you get more midrange and you sacrifice some trebles and some detail. So I would say if you think they are too bright, you actually are looking for a more overwound pickup. Going back to a standard output pickup like a '57 Classic, or a lower output vintage type pickup, will even become brighter. Going for a hotter pickup seems to fly in the face of conventional wisdom about jazz and blues. Maybe you mean "dirty" or "distorted," as opposed to "bright." So maybe you should have a conversation with Lollar or Fralin (I know Lindy will pick up the phone, I've never dealt with Lollar but I'm impressed with his online vids re instructions for pickup swaps) to see what they'll recommend for your target sound.

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