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Black Sheep


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It seems like almost every family has at least one black sheep of the family. We have one and I don't want to go into details but basically it comes down to not knowing when to stop doing drugs and mixing them with wierd cult views and trying to be a self-righteous snob and in the name of jesus to top it off.


So do you have any black sheep in your family or are you the black sheep? Do tell.

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I'm more interested in weird cult views. Like what? If I may pry.












My brother is our black sheep. He's a part time actor with many dozens of movie/TV rolls and very nearly starved to death in Los Angeles before finally coming home to Indiana and now lives in my house. He still does the occasional acting gig.

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I'm more interested in weird cult views. Like what? If I may pry.


I guess to an athiest/agnostic most religious views could be viewed as "cult" views.


There is a group out there who are called the Rosicrutions - not positive that is spelled correctly and then mix it with basic Christianity and it makes for some delusional views. I don't want to get into too much detail because he plays guitar too and for all I know he may be a member on this forum - ha ha and then he'd figure out I was talking about him.


Of course, he doesn't have much interaction with most of the family anyways so I guess that doesn't matter.

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Younger sister, strung out on coke and crack for like 18 years.


She just recently got herself together, and appears to be done with the drugs.


A year ago, I was still expecting to hear from the police that she was dead.

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Isn't that religious view related to the Knights Templer's? Those views go back quite a long way to be called a cult. Or am I confused.



It may depend on ones definition of a cult. Remember my definition will have an orthodox christian bias as to what defines a cult. Therefore, from my point of view how old a belief or religion is or has been in existence does not have any play as to what a cult is. Just as an old testament biblical example would be baal worship was cult worship. Now while we don't have visible or known baal worshippers today (not that I'm aware of) there is still evidence of some similar beliefs and practices. Ok I'm rambling now...

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ME. For some reason my family thinks that I'm a Redneck' date='Drunk, Poop Station. Suits me fine. I have to get drunk to be able to stay around them for any length of time.[/quote']


Oh god...I totally understand that! I was just telling Homz, if *I* am not the black sheep of the family, it has to be my uncle--and we are a lot alike! My sister managed to nearly not graduate from college, got pregnant while unmarried and working minimum wage, tried everything in the world.... I actually was much more responsible, but for some reason, I don't get any credit for it. (Which is probably why I need to have an alternative-reality to spend any time around them).

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