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Water Boarding


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Here's a little something for you all to think about:


Why is there a direct correlation between the quality of education versus one's political beliefs? Look at the last election breakdown then look at the national rankings for the quality of education and you'll see a clear pattern:


Those states that rank near the top in quality of education are the same states that voted overwhelmingly Democrat in the last election.


Those states that ranked near the bottom in quality of eduction (like my home state of Oklahoma) voted overwhelmingly Republican in the last election.


This strongly supports something the Republicans have known for a long time: "the dumber they are the more likely they are to vote for us".


This post set off all the bullsh!t meters in America simultaneously! Have you seen the videos of obama voters? Holy crap, the typical liberal voter doesn't even know who their elected representatives are or how the gov't works! Come on tulsa you can do better than that. What's your level of education?


Do you know why Texas doesn't slide into the Gulf of Mexico?


Because Oklahoma sucks!

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Here's a little something for you all to think about:


Why is there a direct correlation between the quality of education versus one's political beliefs? Look at the last election breakdown then look at the national rankings for the quality of education and you'll see a clear pattern:


Those states that rank near the top in quality of education are the same states that voted overwhelmingly Democrat in the last election.


Those states that ranked near the bottom in quality of eduction (like my home state of Oklahoma) voted overwhelmingly Republican in the last election.


This strongly supports something the Republicans have known for a long time: "the dumber they are the more likely they are to vote for us".

A fool and his money are soon parted

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We know from investigations' date=' reporting, testimony and experience, that waterboarding does NOT cause SEVERE PAIN OR SUFFERING, WHETHER PHYSICAL OR MENTAL, but instead it causes "irrational" fear of drowning. In order to rise above the threshold to be defined as torture, severe mental or physical pain must be inflicted on the prisoner. [/quote']

IMO this is just twisting words. I think that being subjected to any action that causes '"irrational" fear of drowning' indeed causes severe mental suffering. What is fear of imminent inflicted death if not mental suffering? It's hardly an emotional thing to define this as torture.


If W or any of his administration broke ANY laws, then why are there no charges or indictments against any of them? The dems control ALL of the Federal Gov't, including the justice department. Why are there no trials planned to punish the "guilty"?

Because laws don't mean sh!t on a certain level?




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As to your question' date=' sure you can do it to me if I get to return the favor to you and I'll only use a half gallon. [/quote']


I'm afraid you've misunderstood the question :-


I asked if I could waterboard those of you who did not consider it torture. I'm hardly going to volunteer myself when I know it's torture...

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This post set off all the bullsh!t meters in America simultaneously! Have you seen the videos of obama voters? Holy crap' date=' the typical liberal voter doesn't even know who their elected representatives are or how the gov't works! Come on tulsa you can do better than that. What's your level of education?


Do you know why Texas doesn't slide into the Gulf of Mexico?


Because Oklahoma sucks![/quote']


What are you disputing here? Are you saying I'm lying about this? If so, do your own investigation. I don't make this sh!t up, it's data that's readily available anywhere on the internet.


Oh, wait a minute. I understand now. You can't dispute these facts so your only response is 'It's bullsh!t'. Very intellectual response, I must say, but just what I expected.


As for my own education, I've got a 4-year college degree and a 2-year degree from a technical college. How about you?


You're telling me that the typical liberal doesn't even know their elected rep but the typical conservative does?


Now that's bullsh!t!!


As for Oklahoma sucking? It might be the only thing I agree with you pinheads about.


I'm going home now so I won't be able to continue this discussion until tomorrow, so that should give you plenty of time to find some facts disputing my 'quality of education and political affiliation' correlation.

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I've had it done as training while in the military' date=' so, I can make a educated assessment that it isn't torture.




But you *knew* you were going through training. You didn't think they were going to kill you, did you?


It's not just the *process* that matters. The mindset and circumstances also play a role.


And I LOVE that so many "pro-life" types can justify their beliefs in capital punishment and torture based on.....


Wait, what *is* it based on?

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Here's a little something for you all to think about:


Why is there a direct correlation between the quality of education versus one's political beliefs? Look at the last election breakdown then look at the national rankings for the quality of education and you'll see a clear pattern:


Those states that rank near the top in quality of education are the same states that voted overwhelmingly Democrat in the last election.


Those states that ranked near the bottom in quality of eduction (like my home state of Oklahoma) voted overwhelmingly Republican in the last election.


This strongly supports something the Republicans have known for a long time: "the dumber they are the more likely they are to vote for us".


Oh for gawd's sake tulsa, what cool aid, or is it party liquor, ya' been drinking?

Look at how messed up California has become. In education we rank 46th in the nation man. So much for that theory. We've been over run by liberal social democrats and illegal aliens. Come on.

Back on my original topic.

Have you even watched the video of the reporter?

How was it for him?

Torture, I don't think so.

Those towel heads wearing dirty nightshirts have sworn to harm Americans. They have taken an oath to some pseudo religious cause to destroy America "the Great Satan." Better we waterboard them before they blow up something in Oklahoma. Sorry to go there. It's still fresh in my mind April 19, 1995 when Timothy McVeigh and his accomplice Terry Nichols blew up the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building killing 168 people (19 of them children!). If I knew that we had information on what that sick bastard was about to pull off, I would say waterboard his asstoo!

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But you *knew* you were going through training. You didn't think they were going to kill you' date=' did you?


It's not just the *process* that matters. The mindset and circumstances also play a role.


And I LOVE that so many "pro-life" types can justify their beliefs in capital punishment and torture based on.....


Wait, what *is* it based on? [/quote']



How many have we executed so far?

Come on, give it a break.

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This post set off all the bullsh!t meters in America simultaneously! Have you seen the videos of obama voters? Holy crap' date=' the typical liberal voter doesn't even know who their elected representatives are or how the gov't works! Come on tulsa you can do better than that. What's your level of education?


Do you know why Texas doesn't slide into the Gulf of Mexico?


Because Oklahoma sucks![/quote']


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How many have we executed so far?

Come on' date=' give it a break.[/quote']


How about the ones we locked in a trailer and allowed to die from the heat & dehydration?


My point is that, if you are "pro-life" and want to spend your time arguing how human life is sacred....it should extend to those who have been born--no matter what they've done.


Mosaic law says "an eye for an eye," but what so many don't get is that this is the *maximum* penalty. No more than an eye for an eye.


I am questioning whether the pro-"torture" group truly advocates for *HUMAN* rights. Meaning, not matter what choices you make, there are certain things you should be entitled to--such as not being tortured. If can you (the general you, not you specifically) argue that a 10-week-old fetus with no brain waves "feels pain," then why doesn't that extend to a fully-formed human? Do they give up basic rights just because they "attacked" someone else. If the reverse were true, would the administration still be supporting them?


THESE are the things I truly want to know. Is human life valuable? Or is it only valuable when it agrees with a particular ideology?

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That was nicely put.

Let me think about it, because there are aspects of your question I agree with and those I don't agree with.

But as I see it now, all life is precious in God's eyes. End of story.

If mankind, being made in God's image, yet a fallen and imperfect being as a result of sinfulness entering into the equation, then that would account for "all" of the evil perpetrated on His creation by His creation. Some men and women are so depraved they lack the Spiritual connectedness (if you will) to fully understand right from wrong, good from evil. They justify their actions in a fallen, sinful state of being, having no real idea what living by the spirit of God would entail. They often can not discern the spiritual because they are not born of the spirit of God.

I can go on and on, but time is fleeting.

Back to the my studies. I have a huge test I must pass Saturday and I'm real motivated to do so.

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That was nicely put.

Let me think about it' date=' because there are aspects of your question I agree with and those I don't agree with.

But as I see it now, all life is precious in God's eyes. End of story.

If mankind, being made in God's image, yet a fallen and imperfect being as a result of sinfulness entering into the equation, then that would account for "all" of the evil perpetrated on His creation by His creation. Some men and women are so depraved they lack the Spiritual connectedness (if you will) to fully understand right from wrong, good from evil. They justify their actions in a fallen, sinful state of being, having no real idea what living by the spirit of God would entail. They often can not discern the spiritual because they are not born of the spirit of God.

I can go on and on, but time is fleeting.

Back to the my studies. I have a huge test I must pass Saturday and I'm real motivated to do so.



'sanctity of life'. You've heard that. Sanctity of life. You believe in it? Personally, I think it's a bunch of ****. Well, I mean, life is sacred? Who said so? God? Hey, if you read history, you realize that God is one of the leading causes of death. Has been for thousands of years. Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Christians all taking turns killing each other 'cuz God told them it was a good idea. The sword of God, the blood of the land, vengeance is mine. Millions of dead mother****ers. Millions of dead mother****ers all because they gave the wrong answer to the God question. 'You believe in God?' 'No.' *Pdoom*. Dead. 'You believe in God?' 'Yes.' 'You believe in my God? 'No.' *Poom*. Dead. 'My God has a bigger **** than your God!' Thousands of years. Thousands of years, and all the best wars, too. The bloodiest, most brutal wars fought, all based on religious hatred. Which is fine with me. Hey, any time a bunch of holy people want to kill each other I'm a happy guy.


But don't be giving me all this **** about the sanctity of life. I mean, even if there were such a thing, I don't think it's something you can blame on God. No, you know where the sanctity of life came from? We made it up. You know why? 'Cuz we're alive. Self-interest. Living people have a strong interest in promoting the idea that somehow life is sacred. You don't see Abbott and Costello running around, talking about this ****, do you? We're not hearing a whole lot from Musolini on the subject. What's the latest from JFK? Not a goddamn thing. 'Cuz JFK, Mussolini and Abbott and Costello are ****ing dead. They're ****ing dead. And dead people give less than a **** about the sanctity of life. Only living people care about it so the whole thing grows out of a completely biased point of view. It's a self serving, man-made bullshit story.


It's one of these things we tell ourselves so we'll feel noble. Life is sacred. Makes you feel noble. Well let me ask you this: if everything that ever lived is dead, and everything alive is gonna die, where does the sacred part come in? I'm having trouble with that. 'Cuz, I mean, even with all this stuff we preach about the sanctity of life, we don't practice it. We don't practice it. Look at what we'd kill: Mosquitos and flies. 'Cuz they're pests. Lions and tigers. 'Cuz it's fun! Chickens and pigs. 'Cuz we're hungry. Pheasants and quails. 'Cuz it's fun. And we're hungry. And people. We kill people... 'Cuz they're pests. And it's fun!


And you might have noticed something else. The sanctity of life doesn't seem to apply to cancer cells, does it? You rarely see a bumper sticker that says 'Save the tumors.'. Or 'I brake for advanced melanoma.'. No, viruses, mold, mildew, maggots, fungus, weeds, E. Coli bacteria, the crabs. Nothing sacred about those things. So at best the sanctity of life is kind of a selective thing. We get to choose which forms of life we feel are sacred, and we get to kill the rest. Pretty neat deal, huh? You know how we got it? We made the whole ****ing thing up! Made it up! The same way... thank you.

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See 80, that's just it.

If a God created mankind in his image, how would he view "His" creation?

With disgust, regret, scorn?

No not at all. He would look at totally differently.


And all he wants is a relationship with us.

Some people claim to have that relationship. We've seen the fruits of their labor. And you can tell by the fruits of their labor the depth of their relationship with their God.

But, because of sin and misguided men and their religious ideologies, we've also alienated ourselves from God.

I don't know about you, but I take great pride in my creation and love them equally. Every "precious" one of them.

I love them dearly and would die for them.

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Here's a little something for you all to think about:


Why is there a direct correlation between the quality of education versus one's political beliefs? Look at the last election breakdown then look at the national rankings for the quality of education and you'll see a clear pattern:


Those states that rank near the top in quality of education are the same states that voted overwhelmingly Democrat in the last election.


Those states that ranked near the bottom in quality of eduction (like my home state of Oklahoma) voted overwhelmingly Republican in the last election.


This strongly supports something the Republicans have known for a long time: "the dumber they are the more likely they are to vote for us".


As I said, Bullsh!t...








Obama voters...



Vote by Age

18-29 (18% of the voters) 66% Obama 32% McCain

30-44 (29% of the voters) 52% Obama 46% McCain

45-64 (37% of the voters) 50% Obama 49% McCain

65 and Older (16% of the voters) 45% Obama 53% McCain


Who are the traditional democratic voter blocks? Who are the traditional republican voter blocks? Is it really your contention that the dem voter block is smarter or more educated than the repubs voter block?

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Fool, your pain from past a past traumatic event is showing big time.

Why are you so filled with hate and anger?

Take a chill pill, Fool.

I'll bet you're real fun at a cocktail party, Fool

Why so much venom?

You talk like a dead man, Fool. I'm just saying. From the context of your rant, it sounds like your souls is dying.

I'm sorry for you fool.

What a waste.

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Fool' date=' your pain from past a past traumatic event is showing big time.

Why are you so filled with hate and anger?

Take a chill pill, Fool.

I'll bet you're real fun at a cocktail party, Fool

Why so much venom?

You talk like a dead man, Fool. I'm just saying. From the context of your rant, it sounds like your souls is dying.

I'm sorry for you fool.

What a waste.[/quote']


I am sorry that i am not your average delusional optimist i just rather partake on what is true and not dwell on the unreal and unknowable.


I have never had "a past traumatic event" why would you assume something like that? It only makes you look like a smug little jackass.


"full of hate and anger"? Why do you tell everyone that does not believe in your self serving bullshit story that they are full of hate and anger? This is the second time you have told me that, I do not hate anything you are the one that thinks it is alright to torture human beings.

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I've got to go with Caliman on this one Fool' date=' in one of your previous posts, you equated cancer cells and viruses with Humanity...pretty weird, sick thinking, IMHO[/quote']


Just in case you did not read my whole post.


So at best the sanctity of life is kind of a selective thing. We get to choose which forms of life we feel are sacred, and we get to kill the rest. Pretty neat deal, huh? You know how we got it? We made the whole ****ing thing up! Made it up!

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Just in case you did not read my whole post.


So at best the sanctity of life is kind of a selective thing. We get to choose which forms of life we feel are sacred' date=' and we get to kill the rest. Pretty neat deal, huh? You know how we got it? We made the whole ****ing thing up! Made it up![/quote']


No, I read your post, more than once and you've just reinforced my thoughts on the matter, I'm going with Caliman.=D>

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No' date=' I read your post, more than once and you've just reinforced my thoughts on the matter, I'm going with Caliman.=D> [/quote']


Then apparently you do not know how to differentiate a Hypothetical question from a statement.


I got a story i think you and your little friend Caliman would enjoy.


“Eskimo: "If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?" Priest: "No, not if you did not know." Eskimo: "Then why did you tell me?"”

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Just in case you did not read my whole post.


So at best the sanctity of life is kind of a selective thing. We get to choose which forms of life we feel are sacred' date=' and we get to kill the rest. Pretty neat deal, huh? You know how we got it? We made the whole ****ing thing up! Made it up![/quote']


You've got a real annoying staccato thing goin' when you write. You should use some contractions. But what do I know? According to some well educated guy from Oklahoma, I'm just a dumb a$$ who voted Republican

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You've got a real annoying staccato thing goin' when you write. You should use some contractions. But what do I know? According to some well educated guy from Oklahoma' date=' I'm just a dumb a$$ who voted Republican[/quote']


I am not here to please or entertain you so i could care less whether i am annoying or not.

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