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My opinion:


He's a great guitarist.... skill wise


it's just too mechanical for me... The mask really covers any facial expressions that might indicate soul


Now that's being nit-picky. You need to see his face to know he's playing with soul?

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This thread makes me think of my old signature...


"Buckethead fans are so lame it hurts"


It makes me think of yours...


"I'm anti-Buckethead!"


...and the time you said you like most of the solos on Chinese Democracy because they aren't Buckethead... when they are!:D/

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It makes me think of yours...


"I'm anti-Buckethead!"


...and the time you said you like most of the solos on Chinese Democracy because they aren't Buckethead... when they are!:D/


hold up buddy...


I said I liked the riffs, and I like the solo on "There Was a Time"


I also believe that the conversation started when I said I despised the guitar on that album...

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You took the words right out of my mouth, oilpit.

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hold up buddy...


I said I liked the riffs' date=' and I like the solo on "There Was a Time"


I also believe that the conversation started when I said I despised the guitar on that album...[/quote']


You said something like you like all the solos except for Buckethead's (which you thought was 1 song).

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You said something like you like all the solos except for Buckethead's (which you thought was 1 song).


You want me to find the post?


I said I hated the guitar, then I went on to say I just hated the solos, I DID say that I only thought BH played on 4 tracks, but I never said I liked all the solos....

With the exception of the one, I hate them all, Bucketplayed or not...



And Claiforniaman, glad someone shares my view :D

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Searched everything I could imagine would find me the post' date=' can't find it, I don't even remember what thread it was in...


How about we just leave it at

Buckethead is a f*ggot[/quote']


I couldn't find it either.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I know some of you will think that it's pathetic of me to start an account just to "defend" Buckethead. Those of you who will think that are the same people that keep people like me from wanting to post regularly on this forum in the first place, but it's pretty obvious that the loudest Bucket fans are some of the worst examples. I'll be the first to admit; a lot of Buckethead fans are morons. It's the same with most other artists, except that Bucket fans seem to be far and few between. Therefore, the poor examples end up speaking for the masses. So someone has to try to be the voice of reason.


Look, I don't care if you can appreciate him for what he is or not. I don't care if you read this and I don't care if you don't listen to a word I say. It's no sweat off of anyone's back but your own. Music doesn't have a tangible value in the first place. It's all relative to the individual. You can't say he definitely sucks just like I can't say he's definitely good. I encourage whoever is interested to discover for themselves instead of taking anything they read in a forum seriously. But enough of that sensible ****. Lets get into the fighting and **** tossing.


Buckethead has been around for decades. That's groups of ten, folks. He put out his first demo sometime in the mid 80's and he's still writing music, he's still putting out albums, and he's still selling out venues. All with a bucket on his head and a mask. Some of you, I'm sure, aren't able to comprehend what this could be other than a gimmick. Some of you somehow can't hear emotion in his work because of the mask, ("Emotion" is another ignorant concept in itself that I don't plan on wasting my time getting into), and somehow the fact that the guy who made a song dresses funny simply robs the song of all musical value. That's a pretty dumb thought. Actually, that's a retarded thought.


I'm going to summarize a bunch of things because the more time I spend thinking this out the more I see what a waste of time it really is. Buckethead is a respected musician among his peers. He's got some great work, and anyone who knows him solely for his "gimmick" isn't much of a fan in the first place.

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Lol I'm a poor example of a Buckethead fan! I must be one of the kids on youtube who makes up things about BH like he's autistic and what instruments he plays. I try to make him seem more amazing than he is even though he doesn't need to be. I must also be a kid who uploads full BH albums and dvd's on youtube for attention and subscribers! I download torrents and haven't bought 16 BH albums since may. My favorite BH songs are jordan and soothsayer because they're in guitar hero. Those are his only songs right? I like him only because I play guitar hero! [/sarcasm]

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Searched everything I could imagine would find me the post' date=' can't find it, I don't even remember what thread it was in...


How about we just leave it at

Buckethead is a f*ggot[/quote']


Oh and I forgot to mention: When you first came into this thread and said "I originally said I hated all the chinese democracy solos", I bet that was after you looked for the old thread and it gave you confidence knowing I didn't have a quote to embarass you.

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Still LAME.


I disagree on some of it though I think the bucket is probably all he has going for him' date=' living proof how close autistic and artistic really can be. [/quote']


Yeah, you should've read some posts in certain threads...

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Still LAME.


I disagree on some of it though I think the bucket is probably all he has going for him' date=' living proof how close autistic and artistic really can be. [/quote']


So very, very true...


And it looks like BH fans are still making accounts just to make a few posts defending his honor...


Some things never change...

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Why does it threaten you though oilpit? I respect your taste and the fact that you don't like Bucket....but why do you care if people sign up to defend him? It would seem you are one of the causes for people signing up by hijacking a Buckethead thread with insults.


In fact, I joined to share my view on Buckethead to those who were open to the idea. And I stayed and have done some posting in non-Buckethead related topics as well. Does it matter why this board gets new members who contribute to the discussions?


*shrug* Just sharing my observations. You guys LOVE this....it's quite funny to me that you spend this much time knocking Buckethead. I bet you're a closet fan actually. It's ok man...you can admit it. We're all friends here.....kinda.

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I actually didn't sign up to defend Buckethead. I tried to sign up in march after getting pissed off from seeing such ignorance and rudeness in a thread. I couldn't register for some reason. When I DID register, it was for other purposes.


Well said, Shred!

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*shrug* Just sharing my observations. You guys LOVE this....it's quite funny to me that you spend this much time knocking Buckethead. I bet you're a closet fan actually. It's ok man...you can admit it. We're all friends here.....kinda.


I don't know if you actually think I like him or you are just trying to piss me off...


either way, we aren't friends


And honestly, I don't love it either, there are things I like to argue about, bucketman is not one of them.


And Loaf definitely signed up to defend bucketman....

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Does it make you feel all mighty and powerful thinking I signed up to defend Buckethead? If I did' date=' what's wrong with that?[/quote']


1. Only in the sense that it makes me think less of you...so I suppose my answer would be yes and no


2. It incredibly lame, it enforces one of my many stereotypes about bucket fans, it makes me think less of you etc. etc.

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1. Only in the sense that it makes me think less of you...so I suppose my answer would be yes and no


2. It incredibly lame' date=' it enforces one of my many stereotypes about bucket fans, it makes me think less of you etc. etc.[/quote']


So you're generalizing Buckethead fans? At the concert I went to (it was 16+ for one thing), there were all sorts of people. Goths, mature adults, etc. There were hundreds of people there. That's just 1 of 6 Colorado venues. That's just one state. There are so many Buckethead fans from all over the world that you can't stereotype them. Many Buckethead fans have different tastes in music (from classical to metal to avant garde to jazz) but they have all been brought together by 1 guitarist. They all have things to argue with each other like politics and religion so they're a pretty diverse group of people.


Maybe I should sterotype gibson owners as all stubborn, ignorant old guys who haven't matured.


You can't judge a book by it's cover.

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