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You OLDER guys have a song that "takes you back"?


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KSG I love Herb Alpert and the TJ Brass..


Stevef Little Nash Rambler was great. Now you just opened up a whole new segmant!!!



Jaxson50-- I was 7 (or so) when Beep Beep came out.. But it got me interested in the radio in my old man's car..

It got annoying enough that he bought me one very similar to this one... (mine was blue)... I listened to it constantly (wmca' date=' wmgm, 1010wins)



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I have a tandem of songs. When I was a freshman in college in the fall of '69, a friend and I would eat lunch nearly every Monday through Friday at a little hamburger place just off campus. The place had a juke box. While my friend grabbed a booth, I put coin into the juke box and ALWAYS played "Crossroads", Cream and "Respect", Aretha. I still like to listen to these two back-to-back.

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KSG I love Herb Alpert and the TJ Brass..


Stevef Little Nash Rambler was great. Now you just opened up a whole new segmant!!!


I just remember that album cover for "Whipped Cream"


Remember the gal that was dressed solely in whip cream?


Pretty sure that's the only album cover that I may have licked . . . :-k


For me though, it was Funk 49 and Walk Away. Little did I know at the time that the James Gang guitar player rippin' riffs was from my home town who later turned the Eagles from a good band into a "great" band.

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Jaxson50-- I was 7 (or so) when Beep Beep came out.. But it got me interested in the radio in my old man's car..

It got annoying enough that he bought me one very similar to this one... (mine was blue)... I listened to it constantly (wmca' date=' wmgm, 1010wins)



Kool radio-I dig that grill.

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All I know is that my little sis was nuts over rock in 57. Me, I listened to the stuff on the radio, but I was already into more blues and jazz. No guitar, but I wanted to be good enough to improv jazz on that trumpet it was killing me.


So I was kinda split between the rockin'/pop of the day - as opposed to the pop my folks listened to - and trying to find jazz.


I had one of those big honkin multiple band radios... it hadda be around '57 I first heard John Lee Hooker... The atmospherics would wind around the music a bit, but heck, the black and white TV still had craploads of "snow" too.


How 'bout "The little white cloud that cried?"


Then around '60 or so "Raindrops..."


The jazz influence of the Fleetwoods; the Country influence of the Browns...


It was a marvelous and wide open time for music because the "big stuff" was so wildly different one song to another. Runaround Sue? "Runaway" with the "musitron" solo?




All kidding aside, I think once the radio came out, music in all genres got better and better and better because you didn't have to go to a concert to hear "top talents" to measure yourself against...


Not much different now than in, say , the early 1930s when the first "music videos" started to come out and you could even see the band playing stuff you only imagined yourself figuring out.


Wanna super sexy girl singer? Bea Wain made the half nekked chicks look like fourth rate hookers who'd forgotten what real sexiness was.


I dunno. I think the late 30s, 40s and into the early 60s had a subtlety we tend today to overlook. Duane Eddy, for example, likely was a better picker than his "pop" stuff, but we nowadays look at some nicely phrased stuff as "easy cornball" when it was darned innovative at the time.






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Speaking of stupid car song's......(I actually owned this record at one time)





And who could forget....


Funny..Nervous Norvus and the Nasty Nose Pickers. Haven't heard that name for a while. I'm from the state due east of you and remember these guys playing all the time up here.

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One a' my favorites, btw, when I was a kid and Dad was a Harley dealer was "Terror of Highway 101."


"He wore black denim trousers and motorcycle boots... a black leather jacket with a eagle on the back..."




Kinda "leader of the pack" long before the girl groups got to it.



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Duane Eddy really changed music I think between my brother and me we kept him in business, we bought every album we could find. My dad played country music, my mom loved Big Band, so we had both influences from them. Dem Was Da Days!!!

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