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Breaking in a new acoustic


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All I've ever owned were old guitars. Well, some really old ones and some just 'used' but not new for sure. I have one 2007 CJ165 that I got new and it's only been played a couple hours tops. I also have a '91 J30 that I doubt has been played much more than that. It was bought for a kid, the kid lost interest after about one lesson, and it sat under the bed until I bought it 3 years ago when I bought it. I've maybe played it an hour or two at the most.


It's a little frustrating knowing the potential these two have for being great guitars but not taking the time to play them. They're so minty and pretty and even smell nice... so they stay in the cases because I'm afraid to put a fingerprint on them. Meanwhile the J200 hangs on the wall in the living room and is constantly at the ready; it's just there and grabbable and amasses dust aong with my wife's tea animals. It's part of the furniture I guess. It certainly doesn't have a rough life but it's right out there for use, and if it gets smudged I go over it with a damp rag and think no more about it. It's been loaned out to my daughter's boyfriend a couple times so he could go perform at the local college (rather than use the $60 Jasmine I got him a couple years ago for Christmas).


Sad that some of them don't get played is all. Makes me wish I had a decent music room so they could all be out in the open and I could more easily, randomly, and spontaneously spend time with each one. I'd like to hear them open up a little. I don't worry about the older ones, they're like nicely broken in jeans. Even if they don't get used much at least I know they've at least reached their potential. The younger ones need a chance to find their voice too.

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KSD, I guess that's the disadvantage of having to many guitars! You can't play but one at a time! I feel the same way about my Southern Jumbo TV. It's so beautiful that I don't want to put a scratch on it! But, I also know that for it to "open up" you have to play it, and play it often for years. So, in the last year I've been gigging with it on a regular basis. I can definitely hear the improved tone and sonic qualities of the guitar. And it just keeps getting better and better! Guitars are meant to be played and the more that they're played, the better they sound. Maybe that's why the original '40's or '50's models are so desired by guitar enthusiates. Besides, that's the thrill of it all, getting to "play them in"! My SongBird Deluxe is about 10 years old now and sounds incredible! Nothing close to what it sounded like new. I can't wait to hear my SJ when it's 10 years old! But like you say, I hope it doesn't get scratched or messed up! I just try to be careful with it and hope for the best! When they do get scratched, I believe folks just sigh and call it mojo!!! I say pull them out of the case and play the hell out of 'em!!!

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I think if I had more than a couple of guitars (actually I only have one, but am half-heartedly searching for another) I’d spend too much time and effort into trying to allocate playing time equally which strikes me as a hassle I don’t need. I don’t abuse my guitar, but I’m certainly not over-protective of it either…it gets played often and hard…and if something should happen to it along the way I’ll get another. To sound good they have to get played that’s for sure. Send me that CJ165…I’ll break it in for ya.

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They're so minty and pretty and even smell nice... so they stay in the cases because I'm afraid to put a fingerprint on them.


This is the problem I have with my J-200. It's just so beautiful and unspoiled. I've waited my whole life to be able to have something that amazingly beautiful (and it smells good!) - I just can't stand to play it. I cringe every time it gets a slight hint of pick wear.


I guess it's like a new car, but a new car you eventually have to drive. I don't have to play the Jumbo. So it sits in the case where it's very beautiful (and smells good!) but silent. It's a real shame. I guess - I hope - I'll get over it someday.


Meanwhile my L-4A and my Gretsch Jumbo take a beating (in a good way). Although they don't smell good; they smell like bars.

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I used to be that way till I got my Santa Cruz SSJ by steve swan. It had scratches and a ding on the lower bout when I pulled it from the case just getting it. "But" when I played that first G chord !!! My God !!!! To hell with scratches and dings ! These are made to be played . They are instruments. If you ever meet a concert celloist or violinist check his instrument out. Dings scratches and on and on. Are we just collectors ? Curators of our own museums ? Or are we Players and Musicians?

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Curator of our own museums. Excellent way of putting it.


If I culled all the guitars I've bought just because they represented a certain snapshot in time, musical era, or if they happen to be really good at one genre of music, I could easily cut my herd in half. Not that it's going to actually happen, just saying....


One thing that forces me to cull is buy something expensive. A couple years ago I bought my brother's Dobro and had to dump a half dozen garbage guitars to pay for it. Like a leaky cellar though, it soon filled up again. A couple months back I bought an Epi Emperor for $400 shipped and peddled about 25 junk violins on ebay in the hopes of reconciling the transaction. I did fine, I actually got about $800 out of them and only kept.... um... maybe 4 or 5 that I really liked.


Guess I need to commit to an 'over $500' guitar so i can be forced to cull again. One comes in, a half dozen go out. That works for the short term anyway. Too bad I couldn't maintain it.

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I read this story of a Saudi Prince who bought a new Rolls Royce every year. The first thing he did when he received the car, was to take his key and put a big scratch in the side of the car. He son was confused and when he asked his father why he did this, his father said, "If I don't put the first scratch in the car myself, I will worry constantly about that first scratch. This way, I am free of worry. I want to own the car, not the car owning me!!" This story is VERY good. I have always bought used guitars, BUT they are always in great near mint condition. Some even 20 years old. Still that first scratch is hardest (baby, I know, the first scratch is the hardest.....) or when the guitar case lid falls down just as you are taking it out....etc. etc......But they are made to be played, so play them. Let them earn their scratches, but be careful and alert and aware, and keep them beautiful tooo.......

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I have always bought used guitars' date=' BUT they are always in great near mint condition. Some even 20 years old. Still that first scratch is hardest[/quote']


I think that's why it's so hard for me with my SJ-200. I buy practically everything used - instruments, vehicles, clothing, CDs, DVDs, furniture, etc. Having something brand new is really freaky.


But I've definitely learned from the process. I will probably never buy another brand new guitar.

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This is the problem I have with my J-200. It's just so beautiful and unspoiled. I've waited my whole life to be able to have something that amazingly beautiful (and it smells good!) - I just can't stand to play it. I cringe every time it gets a slight hint of pick wear.


I guess it's like a new car' date=' but a new car you eventually have to drive. I don't have to play the Jumbo. So it sits in the case where it's very beautiful (and smells good!) but silent. It's a real shame. I guess - I hope - I'll get over it someday.


Meanwhile my L-4A and my Gretsch Jumbo take a beating (in a good way). Although they don't smell good; they smell like bars.[/quote']



I kept my SJ-200 for 7yr, & just sold it about a year ago. I bought a used J-45, & have never looked back!

I was afraid of dinging, or marking mine too. Mine went unplayed also, & I finally came to the decision to try & get it in the hands of someone who would play it. Too nice a guitar to sit in it's case..


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You will have your guit tar room some day. Some day the girls will move out. Start talking it up now, before your wife figures out what to do with the girls' room(s). Sweet Jeebus! my wife had plans for the 4 rooms my kids abandoned! She planned on turning the bedrooms into.... bedrooms. COmplete with the beds that were there plus a bunk or two for possible grandkids, just in case they decide to stay over night when visiting. [blush] I had to put my foot down.. "How many rooms do you think our kids will need when they come to visit? Only one lives farther than 25 minutes away, the odds of 2 of them staying over night as SLIM TO NONE!"


Actually, she wasn't looking forward to empty-nesterhood. Me.. YOU BET! Finally! I get to do what I want, when I want! ... as long as it's okay with my wife. [crying]


Also, by re-purposing bedrooms, it minimizes the chances you will get a boom-a-rang kid.


So claim your territory early. Couldn't hurt to piddle in the corner. [thumbup]

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A few years ago I bought a beautiful custom Santa Cruz dread, with the most gorgeous sunburst finish, from a friend. He'd had it made especially for him with woods direct from Richard Hoover's private stash. It was his dream guitar. But like you KSD, he couldn't bear to play it for fear of putting a scratch or dent in it. He finally came to the realization that it was silly to have that much money tied up in a guitar that wasn't getting played and sold it to me. Since I've had it it's gotten a few scratches and dings here and there, but it gets played. It was an expensive lesson for him and a windfall for me.


Guitars are beautiful objects that we all love, but they also have a useful purpose, and that's to make music. Take good care of them by all means, but if your not playing it the purpose is defeated. A bit sad, no?

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