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I'm in Love, Again...ES-345

charlie brown

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Well, I wandered into a E.M. Shorts Guitars (Wichita Band & Instrument Co.),

this afternoon, on a "Recon" mission...and, for my trouble and/or reward...I

spotted one of my "Dream Guitars," hanging in there. A Cherry Red ES-345!




(What a time NOT to have any disposable income! ;>( ) So, I gently demo'd it,

and (of course) fell in love! But, sadly, had to leave it...for "another time!"

Great guitar, though! I WILL Own One, someday! I'm sure it will "haunt me,"

until I do, too. LOL!


Any ES-345 owners, here? IF so, what do you think, of it?



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I have a 2000 Nashville Custom Shop built Historic ES-345. It is my main guitar for the blues band, and replaced my worn out 1975 ES-335. I absolutely love the guitar. It has a few advantages over the 335, specifically the Varitone circuit, and the extra "bling".



(Pickguard and Varitone ring removed by owner)


That said, the current Memphis made production model 345 is a completely different animal than my Historic. The differences between Historics and RI's built in the "real" Nashville Custom Shop versus the "production" models built at the Memphis "custom shop" have been discussed (and argued) here many times.


As long as you understand that your looking at a standard production model 345 and not any kind of reissue or custom shop edition (regardless of how Gibson advertises and markets it), then you can judge the merit and value of the individual guitar on it's own sound, playability, finish, price, etc.

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Thanks, Larry. Do they still make YOUR version, and what's the "list" price on that one?

I probably can't afford it, anyway...LOL! The regular one is steep enough, for me. ;>b

When you say it's "completely different"....How? I'm assuming your's has the long neck

tenon, for one thing, but what are the other differences?


Also, do they offer your version, with a Bigsby? And, what color/finish options? Just curious...




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