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Weird stuff going on with my R9


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I have been playing my R7 (recently modified with Wolfetone Marshallheads) quite a bit lately and decided to show a little love to my R9 for a nice change of pace. So I pull her out of her case, tuner her up and start playing. I like to have by bridge volume turned up to 10 with the tone at around 7 and the neck volume set to around 2 or 3 with the tone set to 10. That way I can get a real nice clean in the neck for solos, plus when I select the middle position, I get a nice bright, slightly crunched sound. Well anyway with my pickup selector in the bridge or neck position, everything sounded as I would expect, but when I selected the middle position, it sounded off. So I played around with the volumes and pickup selector and found that if the volume of either the neck or bridge is at 0, I get nothing. But if I turn the volume up a little bit, the middle position takes on the normal characteristic. Is this something I missed before and is normal, or do I have a problem with my wiring?

[confused] [confused] [confused]

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