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I just joined my first band in over 25 years


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I started writing and recording my own stuff a couple of months ago. My latest effort turned out pretty good, so I shared it with a buddy from work, who in turn shares it with one of his buddies who contacts me to ask me to play in his band. I was literally blown away, because these guys are pretty tight and play out a couple of times a month.

So last Friday was our first rehearsal, it went pretty well as they seemed to really get into my tone. Plus the covers they do are songs I already love to play (nice how that worked out). We went through several covers and even spent a couple of hours putting lyrics to one of my originals. Things were moving along nicely, until...bam, I get notified this afternoon I have to go to Alabama for two freekin' weeks leaving tomorrow morning!!! Son of a...The way things look now, I won't be able to play with these guys until the end of April. So much for my big break. I felt terrible telling them that I had to bag on them. Their last guitarist couldn't put the time in either, hence my opportunity. I hope I get another chance when I get back.

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Too much. It's 2 weeks now' date=' back a week, 2 more weeks, then 2 weeks back then 5 more weeks. [blink']


Jeez, what a garbage schedule. Did you piss someone off? Sorry about the interruption of what sounds more like a fantasy than anything else, SB, hope it's not fatal.

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