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Anyone ever had any equipment,be it guitar/amp whatever,stolen?


Did you ever get it back?


Back when I was gigging and living in the big bad city,our house got broken into while my lady and I were asleep upstairs.

They only took small stuff but were obviously casing the joint and musta gotten spooked.


And true to form 2 weeks later when we were at work they broke in again through the back door,got to my music room which had a huge arsed lock and all on it and stole a Kramer Ferrington,which luckily was the only guitar/equipment in the house.Everything else was at the rehearsal studio thank god.


I'm as paranoid as an acid casualty hippie now.[-(

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I'm not sure what you can do to prevent such a thing but be sure you have all the serial numbers and photos of all your gear... If something gets stolen report it and alert everybody what has happened. Make sure the police, pawn shops, music stores...etc have the serial numbers, description and photos if possible and hope... Keep an eye out at your local pubs incase some unsuspecting musician bought your gear and doesn't realize it's hot. Don't say anything to a person you see with your gear. Call the police, show proof it's yours and let them get it back for you...

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Never had any gear pinched but I had a break-in at my old farm and they stole all my plants, the bastidges! Funny thing was I knew who did it and from that day to this, a matter of about 16 years now, whenever the guy sees me coming, he takes off. LOL! He'll have to do that for the rest of his life, I suppose. And I'd bet I'm not the only one he runs from, either. I do hate a thief. It wouldn't bother me one bit to stick 'em in a hole, cover 'em and forget the whole thing ever happened. [lol]

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Oh yeah it sucks to lose anything to thieves. I have aa extra deadbolt on the equipment room and a camera pointing

toward the back alley when I am gone from the house.




Highly visible security cameras' date=' along with some not so visible ones, motion detectors with VERY bright lighting when they are tripped, and a well stocked personal armory are our primary steps against intruders. One intrusion in 61 years isn't a particularly bad record. 2 would be. [thumbup

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What's sausages have to do with Carvin guitars[confused]


Man, now I'm hungry........


Bob Evans...........................


I LOVE that gravy he's got goin' on......


Cracker Barrel my arse.......


I'm for Bob Evans.....

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