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Gibson Brands Forums

Fake or Not?


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Maybe I am missing something here. Why are there so many posts on this forum asking if a guitar is fake or not? Are they trying out the market to see if they pass? Do they not know what a reputable Gibson dealer is? Please enlighten me I am confused. I know there is a flood of counterfeits out there but why is this forum and even the Epi forum getting flooded with these questions?[biggrin]


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If you're still having trouble telling real from fake, check this out;


(Don't worry, it's safe for 13 & up.)





Once you get the "hang" of it, with a little experience you can spot fakes a mile away.

Then you can go back to looking at guitars, and employ your new-found observational skills.


If that seems like a let-down, think of it this way - you can probably run your hands all over a fake Gibson.



Hope this helps!



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You know something, I hate to even say this for fear of sounding like a d!ck head...


But my participation in any of those "Does this look real?" threads is a judgment call.

How stupid/clueless/cocky/sincere does this guy sound?


If it's a lucid, articulate post, and the guitar merits a second look, yeah, I'll post something if I can.

Maybe only to encourage them to research further if I have no good answers.




If it's a complete buffoon, a child, or somebody spouting a bunch of nonsense I'll just watch with a smile.

Usually, the ones who can't form a sentence or complete a thought aren't gonna be any better with my help.





But yes, with the newly-established worm hole between the Epiphone website and the Gibson forum I've noticed

a marked increase in those amateurish threads loaded with really clueless questions.

Can't pass along years of experience or knowledge in two forum posts ya know....




Message was deleted by Moderator.

C'mon Duane' date=' it wasn't [i']that[/i] bad! [blink]


I was trying to illustrate the worst of the fakes out there so we could all compare what we see.....





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Can't speak for Duane (we have nothing but the highest mutual respect for one another and we both mod in our own way) but I have lately deleted some "fake or not" threads because I just had the suspicion they were fishing around. If they are thinking about selling them on ebay for example, and we point out small tell tale details, those could be conveniently obscured in the photos or conveniently out of focus.


I admit that's maybe not the majority, but I for one am sick of these 'one post wonders' who either want us to validate their junk or come up with some steaming pile of b.s. about their grandfather dying and they found an old Gibson in the attic. Chances are they screwed someone at a garage sale and want us to provide a fifty dollar Gruhn appraisal. Notice most of them post once, profess to know nothing about guitars or how to post pics, give us the standard scripted story, then if they DO follow up with a second post it contains something like "I'm not looking to sell, but how much is this worth?" Then they drop off the face of the earth.


And while I'm ranting, notice people have been setting up an account here just so they can post something for sale in the Trading Post? Not to whip out the rule book or anything, but if you look at the guidelines set forth in the Trading Post it pretty much states it's for members to sell to other members and there needs to be some semblance of trust and guarantee of satisfaction. It's not on my screen as I type of course, I'm just going by the flavor and spirit of how I interpreted the rules. I proposed a rule change to Customer Service that we only allow 'for sale' posts once a member has been here a little while or has at least posted a token number of times. It was not met with any opposition but I also haven't pursued it further. I don't want it to look like I'm on some type of crusade and not have the support of other members... it's not 'my' forum! If you folks think we should delete the ones who think this is Craigslist II, then I will do so. If nobody sees any harm in it, then I'm okay with that too. Just trying to watch your back is all.

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