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Final Mix


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Here's the master bias mix for our "Walkin' the Dog" project. Still trying it out on different systems and various listening environments for any last second adjustments. I'm starting to think the harp is a bit too present and the lead guitar track needs a bit more presence. Thanks for listening.



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Here's the master bias mix for our "Walkin' the Dog" project. Still trying it out on different systems and various listening environments for any last second adjustments. I'm starting to think the harp is a bit too present and the lead guitar track needs a bit more presence. Thanks for listening.






Sounds great Cruzn'.

I would blend the harp and guitar to about the same level.

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On second listen the second time the harmonica comes in there is a guitar solo going on too... Loose the harp and lets hear that solo.... Drums and bass are at a good level... Guitar is sitting pretty too.... Play with the solo levels and don't let them walk on each other....

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On second listen the second time the harmonica comes in there is a guitar solo going on too... Loose the harp and lets hear that solo.... Drums and bass are at a good level... Guitar is sitting pretty too.... Play with the solo levels and don't let them walk on each other....


I'm so glad you said this, Dave. I didn't wanna hurt anyone's feelings but I had the same reaction when I first (and subsequently) listened. I thought the harp sorta droned over the lead guitar solo in the middle break. It's a bit better balanced in the outro. I like Guitarest's idea about call and response between the two instead of simultaneous. More time on the board yet. It's all good. Thanks again.

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First I loved the tune' date=' great playing, f cking great groove and the vocals just perfect; need another gtr player?


With that said the only thing I would have done with this tune is to extend it a few measures so the harp and the guitar can solo by them selves or a question and answer session between the two. But I'm not yall and I wasn't at the place when this was recorded/mixed. Great job wish my crap would sound this complete.


Great tunes D[/quote']


Thanks, Jocko. I had wondered about extending the break to 24 bars, myself. I still think it's a good idea. The harp and lead guitar sorta neutralize each other in parts of this mix the way they are.


And, compadre, if you EVER get out this way, the studio is our destination. We'll have a blast!

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Great grove and sound you have going.


Another alternative from what is mentioned is to let the harp have the first solo and the guitar do the 2nd. I think the end can have both but place one far left and the other far right. You may already be doing this as I cannot tell with my lap top speakers.

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I hear ya on that one' date=' while I tried to wear ear plugs while playing its not until this last decade that they really perfected great ear plugs. Those yellow sponges sound like crap and filter out everything. I have a pair of eardos (kinda expensive) that take everything down a few notches and allow the entire spectrum just not as many decibels. I love my JBL's they are at least 20 years old and they sound so crisp even today. For my PC I have a Altec Lansing set up that is unbelievable with a sub and 5 smaller speakers.


Ok sorry for stealing the thread "D", back to that great harp and guitar playing..........






While we are off track on Cruzn's thread... I have a pair of Altec Lansing N-801 8A's for my big sound... Those were studio standard 30 years ago. They still pump, Although I have had the speakers reconed....

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Enjoyed listening ! On the harp, I'd say it's volume is fine, but it pans across into the lead's right side zone at one point. I would go for a little more left / right pan on the harp and lead to separate better, and definitely lift the lead volume.

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Enjoyed listening ! On the harp' date=' I'd say it's volume is fine, but it pans across into the lead's right side zone at one point. I would go for a little more left / right pan on the harp and lead to separate better, and definitely lift the lead volume.[/quote']


Thanks for the observations, bro', it helps. I think the harp/lead balance thing is the only thing that really needs attention. That makes me feel pretty good for a first time out. I think I have a LOT to learn yet, though. :D

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