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Somebody's Finally Got It Right


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But are our politicians listening?



The problem is us! Look at what these idiots are doing to our country. And we have the power to stop them but what do we do? We keep sending the same ones back. We really have no one to blame but ourselves. The pundits (love that word) are suggesting a big reversal in the next election cycle. Well, we'll see.

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I agree with the message, but I can't stand the messenger. Trump is a no class, publicity seeking, prima donna. You can blame the Chinese for their corrupt system and their poisoning of Americans, but the American CEO, congress, and consumer must share some of the blame.

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I've been reading alot more lately. I just go to the thrift store and grab a few books. I prefer biographies. I just read George Jones' (horror story!) and now I'm reading Merv Griffin's memoirs. I don't really care about Merv; my only exp was watching his 90 minute show in the 70s. Anyway, he went into some pretty good detail about dealing with Trump. He didn't go so far as to say he was crooked, but when negotiating a big real estate deal it pays to have some good lawyers on your side who will go over contracts with a fine toothed comb. Merv almost gave up a whole freakin' beach due to a quitclaim deed that was "just a formality" and got slipped in with the contract papers. Merv backed away from the table until another ten million was added to the deal.


And I sweated coming up with $1000 to have a used engine put in my Blazer.

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