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5 Hour Energy Drink.....


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A few weeks ago, driving home from vacation in Orlando I was about an hour on the other side of Nashville and was getting dozey....


Not a good thing.


Stopped for gas and they were sitting buy the cash register so I bought one. I'd never tried one before.


Keep in mind I come from an era when white crosses were 10 for a dollar....


I think it worked. I didn't fall asleep. I didn't notice any big rush of energy though.......

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White crosses are great. Drove coast to coast on those babies back in '84. Made the trip (Seattle to NY) in 3 1/2 days.


1990, 1000 for about $27. 2010, 24 for $18. Only gelcaps in this state though. And they aren't as good.


Tried the 5 hour drink, made me nasty.


Stackers and ginseng. Jumpy and severe headache.




It was much easier when I drank. At least I could buy Colt 45 anywhere.

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My daughter is a college student and also in ROTC and has a job at Sonic; she lives on this stuff. I warned her about it but she is a adult and will do as she wants.


She'll never have a vitamin B deficiency......

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