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Switch 625 Friendly Twitter advice.

Artie Owl

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I have no idea how many other members have twitter accounts, let alone how many subscribe to the gibsonlifestyle tweets, but HOLY CRAP too many tweets guys.


From what I've seen there are probably multiple people onboard for you guys tweeting, and yes, we are interested in seeing neverbefore seen content and new guitars and sneak peaks, but EVERY time I check my twitter feed Gibsonlifestyle is right there at the top.


So here's my tip, if you keep this up it'll get to the point where people's eyes just glaze over as soon as your little logo pops up because they're interested in what their other tweeters (is that what we're called?) have to say that day.


Cool your jets, I know it's exciting and new but don't make me unsubscribe from your list just so I can read what my girlfriend, or friends or celebrities are putting out there.

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I prefer twitter to facebook tenfold because twitter makes you think about what you're going to type as it limits the characters. I especially prefer it to facebook because it's without the drama/stupid games/useless quizzes/superfriend invites that make me not use fb in the first place. But everyone is different in preference.

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Ok, I appreciate the bump but maybe this would have been better served as a pm instead of a thread, mostly because I'm not here to argue twitter's validity, popularity, usefull, or uselessness, I'm just saying to the guy who works for gibson and is in charge of their tweeting that I think it's a little excessive. But, as this is a forum of (mostly) free discussion take it wherever you want.

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Can someone explain the point of Twitter?


"G'mornin everyone, I'm eating Cheerios


Hopping on the crosstown bus.


I think I gotta take a crap...


At work, sooo bored.


OMG is this day dragging or WHT?


Long day, heading home.


Yumm, cooking dinner now.


Stuffed, think I'll watch some tv


Time for a bong! Woo hoo


Got the munchies, wonder if we have any Oreos?


Getting kinda tired now. *Yawn.


G'nite, time to go to bed, Tweet ya in the am."


Who the hell cares???

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Let me see. :-k


You want my phone number, email account, FacePage account.... so you can??? shove a crummy commercial? in my pocket???? :) under the guise of tweeting me? :-s


I don't think so. [-(


My mamma didn't raise no twit. :-


That and I saw "A Christmas Story" about a gazillion times. "It's a commercial! A crummy commercial."



You kids signed up for it. You only have yourselves to blame. I hope you can un-friend them.

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Okay, I want to make myself clear here, this post, and my thread are in no way shape or form a defense on the validity of Twitter.


However a few people coule benefit from a different point of view than their own. So in no particular order.


I truly hope you made those up and those are not actual posts, though inane status updates have, and will always plague any system that has a system for status updates, i.e facebook, twitter, myspace, you name it.


Advertising pays for everything (everything) All facebook is is ads, hell, companies installed programs that moniter purchases and reposted them later for all to see (created a lot of unhappy fber's a few Christmases ago). If most of you haven't noticed by now ads you see on the sides of your favorite websites typically can find out where you live, what you last searched, or what the content of the page is so they can select proper ads.


Hell even the iPhone is a big advertising machine, most of the "free" aps out there are paid for by advertising. Not to mention the new OS is rumoured to have the ability to implant TV like commercials into your web browsing experience.


As for why I personally tweet I already said, it's a way to keep tabs on loved ones and how their day is going, if you don't have loved ones, don't care or see them on a regular basis then great this free service is not for you.


As for the free account I got on twitter, I did get a tip, from a friend on twitter, that I normally wouldn't have had any contact with day to day, that Wal-Mart was selling 16gig micro SD memory cards for 20$ from 120$ because of a marketing error. So I saved 100$ for the account, even if I get nothing more from my account I think it was worth it.


Again, please don't tell me specifically why you don't care about twitter, I personally don't care that much, but you're welcome to post in general why you don't want to use the service.

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I agree Gibson is heavy handed on twitter I already unsubscribed and I wouldn't even use twitter but there's a couple valuable site's that list traffic closure's and roadway construction.


Facebook on the other hand is really valuable as a communication tool - I would highly recommend it for anyone that wants a computer virus, about 40% of all the viruses [biggrin]


And who the hell wants to farm on a cell phone - jeez plant a garden...

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