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Did any of you ever see that singing cartoon frog from the Bug's Bunny show??


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That frog was great singing and dancing, but drove the man crazy cause he would never perform in front of an audiance. I kind of feel the same way.....lol. I just uploaded some youtube videos of some songs Node helped me perform, and dang, when I listen to them, I KNOW I sound MUCH better playing, by myself, on the sofa..........with no one around......just like the Frog.lol...There is just something that "happens" when that little red light goes on, or when someone (other than my wife) is listening, or when playing before others at a jam, or the proverbial open mic. I ENJOY sooooo much playing and singing, on my sofa, by myself, with no one around.....lol....and I would LOVE to share my music, but these little mental blocks get in the way!!! I was in a San Jose guitar store, Guitar showcase, and my friend wanted to hear me play a guitar to him. So I rock out with a playing and singing version of "Let it Be" by the Beatles. Well, my friends are all smiling, several customers stop what they are doing and come over, the sales man comes over and listens.....and pretty soon, my relaxed playing which I had really enjoyed, became self conscious and tentative.....Jinder, and others who perform, how do you get over this hump:????? Would really like to hear some good advice.....

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I can absolutely relate to this. Years ago I was contemplating the purchase of a guitar. I made numerous visits to the shop to play it. During these visits, I was off in my own little world, playing a variety of songs I had created. Often, I can get a bit nervous playing in front of other customers, but when evaluating this guitar I was so involved that I pretty much tuned everything else out.


It turned out that one of the employees had been listening and after I had stopped playing, she asked if I would be interested in performing. The shop has a good sized performance space in the back and once a month she would host a concert that was somewhat like a musical variety/vaudevillian type show. She indicated that I could choose to play anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour in, and that they paid performers for each 15 minute block performed. Just of thought of this almost made me ill (literally). I thanked her and told her that I was very honored by her offer, but I chose to decline. Her proposal definitely caught me off guard. She's a fantastic musician who I've seen play around town before which only heightened the intimidation of the situation. I honestly couldn't imagine playing in front of a good sized crowd of paying customers. I did end up going to see one of the shows she hosted and as soon as I saw the overall level of talent that was performing I was especially glad that I chose not to join in. I'm certain that it would have been an absolute disaster for me. If I were ever going to contemplate performing live, I would start with a open mic gig where a good percentage of people in the audience were there for the same reason. Even the thought of that freaks me out. I'm a couch player, plain & simple.


I've been enjoying playing with my little digital recorder, and I've thought about combining video with this. But I've found that just pressing the record button on an audio-only recorder throws me off of my game quite a bit. It takes me a while to calm down. Otherwise I might have more music to share here. So consider me impressed that you created the videos.


By the way, I do remember that frog. Classic.


I wish you luck with your "performancequest"!


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I learned to play the guitar while performing every week at the retirement home my mother lived at. They were exposed to every one of my mistakes, but they didn't care a bit. They sang along and enjoyed it as if I was a superstar. After doing that for a while, I had no fear or stiffness performing for people. They did me a favor too.

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The only way to get over the fear of performing is to perform. When playing back a recording we are usually our own worst critics. We 'know' you we want the song to sound, But the audience doesn't ... unless we wince. Keep a good poker face and keep playing.


That frog short is one of my favorites too. Seems the frog was found when a building was demoed and he was, apparently, trapped inside the corner stone of a building. In the end, the frog ends up back inside another cornerstone of a new building.... ready for another repeat performance in a hunnert years.


Don't be like that frog.

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That frog was great singing and dancing' date=' but drove the man crazy cause he would never perform in front of an audiance. I kind of feel the same way.....lol. I just uploaded some youtube videos of some songs Node helped me perform, and dang, when I listen to them, I KNOW I sound MUCH better playing, by myself, on the sofa..........with no one around......just like the Frog.lol...There is just something that "happens" when that little red light goes on, or when someone (other than my wife) is listening, or when playing before others at a jam, or the proverbial open mic. I ENJOY sooooo much playing and singing, on my sofa, by myself, with no one around.....lol....and I would LOVE to share my music, but these little mental blocks get in the way!!! I was in a San Jose guitar store, Guitar showcase, and my friend wanted to hear me play a guitar to him. So I rock out with a playing and singing version of "Let it Be" by the Beatles. Well, my friends are all smiling, several customers stop what they are doing and come over, the sales man comes over and listens.....and pretty soon, my relaxed playing which I had really enjoyed, became self conscious and tentative.....Jinder, and others who perform, how do you get over this hump:????? Would really like to hear some good advice.....[/quote']



This is why Wily chose not to show his face on the videos....he looks just like that frog too ....He was wearing the Top Hat ... and ....everything!!!



#-o[biggrin] [biggrin]

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I think it's a very common thing to "tighten up" when faced with the prospect of live performance in front of a



Thankfully, it's something that has never affected me as a live performer, but it certainly did in the studio in my early years of recording...as soon as I heard "rolling!" from the tape op I'd lose my edge...not hugely perceptibly, but certainly in a way that was noticeable to me. Expansive, expressive guitar or vocal parts would become awkward to sing and play, and some things just wouldn't flow.


I'm over it now, though, due to the amount of time I've spent in studios in the last ten years...my producer's place is like a second home to me now, and I'm very relaxed and comfortable behind the mic.


My answer would be just keep on playing and recording...to use a Family Guy quote, "shake the bats out of your plumbing"! What seems daunting now will soon become second nature. Just don't dwell on the "tightening up" before or during a performance/recording, and soon it won't be an issue at all.

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