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Other Woodstock videos-


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The Ten Years After post got me thinking......what about all those other forgotten performers?






And BS&T (white soul is what we called it then)





And Canned Heat! One of the best jam bands ever...




The Snake on guitar (wait for it, he's the guy playing the strat).



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Canned Heat. Killer band. When my dad got back from 'Nam and was living in an old mansion in Detroit proper with a few other hippies he hosted a party and they played. Pretty sweet, eh?


The Bands' performance at Woodstock was ruined because some ****** gave Robbie Robertson a microphone. That cat wrote some great songs, but he couldn't sing a note to save his life. Their entire set, aside from No More Cain, was ruined.

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another amazing performance was Santana's, he was pretty much an unknown until that point, he was supposedly tripping on mescaline when he did this amazing tune, he wasnt expected to go on for quite some time but due to scheduling they asked him to go on, he said that neck of his guitar felt like a "snake" moving all over the place [cool] he managed to hold on to it though



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Isn't is amazing to think that most of the people that went to Woodstock are in their 60's and 70's now. I can't believe it when I think back but it's pretty amazing. That's one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in a busy life. We have discussed it here before but it's been a while.


Oh and I was only 10 years old - one of the benefits of hippie parents was Woodstock and more Grateful Dead shows than I could ever remember. My sister and I are still trying to get photo's of hose times back from our stepmother who packed them with everything else up when My dad died in 2000, hope she find's them they were pretty cool I'd love to have some in the studio.

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I was 19 at the time, living in Utah and I couldn't afford a trip to Woodstock, but I didn't miss many concerts that came to SLC. One show that blew me into the weeds was CSN&Y, the first act was Santana, that was Thanksgiving Eve 1970 I think....there was a lot of smoke in the room ;-)

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