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The Wolfman


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I don't know if you've seen it yet, but the new Wolfman was pretty good. Benicio del Toro and Anthony Hopkins were great in it.

Enjoyed it a great deal. Of course I've seen just about every wolfman movie ever made. Loved the original Wolfman for what it was with Lon Chaney Jr. I also liked Michael Landon in I Was A Teenage Werewolf.

You know, in some parts of the world the belief in werewolves is common. Especially amongst rural villages of India, Bangledesh, and parts of south-eastern Europe.

The belief in Lycanthropy dates back thousands of years.

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I love this sort of film. I've seen it and it's ok. I find a lot of modern films don't flow very well. They can't seem to capture the suspense and originality of the early films. I likes the wolfman as it was close to the original film. I'd like to see the Gorgon re made. I understand the creature from the black lagoon is having a re make. That might be ok. I'd rather have this sort of 'fantasy' film than saw and hostel type films that people can copy in real life.

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I saw it in the theater when it opened. Had a movie date night with the wife and she picked it. It was ok neither of us was very impressed with it. My wife loves Benecio but he's not looking his best in this film.

I found it funny that by the end of the film they're changing to wolves every night without the need for a full moon.

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During the later part of the film, it wasn't so much changing into the werewolf every. It was that days had gone by—an entire month as he journeyed from the institution in London back to Black Moor. What was interesting was that the guy from Scottland yard had been bitten by the werewolf at the end of the movie, thus perpetuating the cycle of Lycanthropy.

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If you like this kind of stuff I recommend watching the show "Supernatural". I find the show is done with a good taste about the super natural spirits/monsters, has awesome music since one of the main characters grew up in the late 70's early 80's and they use all kinds of vintage rock, and a bit of a sense of humor mixed in. Start from the beginning if you can though.

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CM - Just saw this on an 8 hr flight from Melbourne to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia for work.


Captivating. I normally cant concentrate on anything when flying - but it got me in. Very violent - which is not my thing, but it keeps the mythology alive


Thanks for posting this. One day you and I need to meet and play 175's and compare movies!!!

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