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Just because someone plays guitar doesn't mean they necessarily subscribe to the "rock-n-roll lifestyle." Many guitarists who've played in bands have partied quite a bit while other guitar players have never left the sofa and their idea of partying is a strong cup of tea. At the end of the day, this is a Gibson forum for Gibson enthusiasts of all ages and not intended as a hangout for decadent musicians to blow off steam and/or pontificate ad nauseum. I'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to anyone (especially the children) whom I may have offended with any of my past comments, opinions or rants.


Gibson sure makes some swell products and always has! I'm proud to be a member of this forum and greatly enjoy the eclectic mix of members and general camaraderie that this forum provides.

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Judging from your music' date=' I'm guessing you're more of the sofa & tea type.



Hmmm more of a coffee guy myself and as far as judging my music and how it relates to my lifestyle I'm not sure where you're coming from.

At 50 my rock n roll lifestyle days are way behind me. I played the clubs and hotels well into my 30's at which point the responsibilities of wife, kids, job etc. became my main concern.


If it was an attempt to put down my musicianship or songwriting have at it. I don't care, unless you have some constructive advise then I'm always willing to listen.

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Actually' date=' I was very pleased with the playing on that acoustic piece. Cookieman, do you listen to any Leo Kottke?[/quote']


Thanks XD.

Its just a small part of a longer piece a wrote for the wife years ago and still play it for her. She loves it.

and yes I know L.K. great stuff.

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