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Buckethead les paul


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+100000 That would be awesome!


Normally creating a profile on a forum just to say one thing isn't my style. But having looked over this thread, I've got to say you are probably the most ignorant troll I've ever seen.


You find it fine to bash Buckethead and label him as an emotionless, talentless shredder who can only play fast and does nothing else. Yet it's clear to me and everyone else that you've never listened to anything outside his work with GnR and probably Jordan on Guitar Hero. Maybe go ahead and try to listen to his songs like Soothsayer, Whitewash, and countless other soulful songs he's put out on his over 40 albums. He plays music over almost every guitar playing style. Shredding is the least of what Buckethead has to offer.


The moral of the story is, if you're going to spend this much time and dedication bashing someone, at least look into them first, and back up your foolish accusations with some concrete facts or examples.

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Normally creating a profile on a forum just to say one thing isn't my style. But having looked over this thread' date=' I've got to say you are probably the most ignorant troll I've ever seen.


You find it fine to bash Buckethead and label him as an emotionless, talentless shredder who can only play fast and does nothing else. Yet it's clear to me and everyone else that you've never listened to anything outside his work with GnR and probably Jordan on Guitar Hero. Maybe go ahead and try to listen to his songs like Soothsayer, Whitewash, and countless other soulful songs he's put out on his over 40 albums. He plays music over almost every guitar playing style. Shredding is the least of what Buckethead has to offer.


The moral of the story is, if you're going to spend this much time and dedication bashing someone, at least look into them first, and back up your foolish accusations with some concrete facts or examples.[/quote']


Cool....Someone new on here that actually thinks before he speaks.

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Normally creating a profile on a forum just to say one thing isn't my style. But having looked over this thread' date=' I've got to say you are probably the most ignorant troll I've ever seen.


You find it fine to bash Buckethead and label him as an emotionless, talentless shredder who can only play fast and does nothing else. Yet it's clear to me and everyone else that you've never listened to anything outside his work with GnR and probably Jordan on Guitar Hero. Maybe go ahead and try to listen to his songs like Soothsayer, Whitewash, and countless other soulful songs he's put out on his over 40 albums. He plays music over almost every guitar playing style. Shredding is the least of what Buckethead has to offer.


The moral of the story is, if you're going to spend this much time and dedication bashing someone, at least look into them first, and back up your foolish accusations with some concrete facts or examples.[/quote']



Troll? me?...are you for real? get a life man...


I have listened to most of this guy's material and still dont like it.


As it is, I have been a shredder for half of my guitar playing life... then I grew out of it. I like some shredders if you want to call them that way, but their stuff gets boring as fast as they play. Buckethead included.


As for Guitar Hero, I cant say I can relate to that or speak about it, never played the thing and probably never will.


Maybe you should expand your horizons a little and learn something: Not everybody has to like what you like. Not everybody has to hate what you hate. And of course, everyone is entitled to his opinion. I think (my opinion) that this guy sucks. You might think Adrian Smith or Gary moore suck... you might think brian may sucks... you might even think Buckethead sucks but joined anyway, because YOU ARE A TROLL.

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Troll? me?...are you for real? get a life man...


I have listened to most of this guy's material and still dont like it.


As it is' date=' I have been a shredder for half of my guitar playing life... then I grew out of it. I like some shredders if you want to call them that way, but their stuff gets boring as fast as they play. Buckethead included.


As for Guitar Hero, I cant say I can relate to that or speak about it, never played the thing and probably never will.


Maybe you should expand your horizons a little and learn something: Not everybody has to like what you like. Not everybody has to hate what you hate. And of course, everyone is entitled to his opinion. I think (my opinion) that this guy sucks. You might think Adrian Smith or Gary moore suck... you might think brian may sucks... you might even think Buckethead sucks but joined anyway, because YOU ARE A TROLL.





I never said you have to like what I like. However, you didn't just say you didn't like him. You made (and supported) comments about how he has no skill, or how his music sucks, and it's all shredding. When it is (IN FACT, SUPPORTED BY EVIDENCE) most certainly not all shredding. He possesses a massive amount of skill and originality, and deserves the respect and recognition for it, whether you like him or not.


That's like saying a basketball is just an orange sphere. It has no dots or bindings. It's just a sphere. You and I both know that's not true. I don't like basketball, but I can tell you it's more than an orange sphere.


Also, well played turning that back around on me.

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I never said you have to like what I like. However' date=' you didn't just say you didn't like him. You made (and supported) comments about how he has no skill, or how his music sucks, and it's all shredding. When it is (IN FACT, SUPPORTED BY EVIDENCE) most certainly not all shredding. He possesses a massive amount of skill and originality, and deserves the respect and recognition for it, whether you like him or not.


That's like saying a basketball is just an orange sphere. It has no dots or bindings. It's just a sphere. You and I both know that's not true. I don't like basketball, but I can tell you it's more than an orange sphere.


Also, well played turning that back around on me.[/quote']


Me thinks he doth protest too much....

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man! this is a big thread! and about something that is (in my opinion) so stupid, buckethead doesn't deserve his own LP. although he does have skill he really isn't that famous of a musician, it would be like giving the jonas brothers there own LP because every kid under the age of 13 watches disney channel and thinks they are awesome guitar gods. if they were to give bucket head a LP just because he has skills why dont they give me a signature les paul while they're at it???


also i like the argument going on between bucket fan and thundergod, always something entertaining going on.


oh and gibson should seriusly consider giving me a signature LP. :]

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Buckethead is freakishly weird! There are millions of guitar players out there that can play as well as him' date=' but none of them wear a friday the 13th mask and the KFC bucket...I guess that's what makes him so special. I wonder if the mask and bucket help with the ladies? [/quote']


There really are. A few years back I worked in a music store and there was this one kid who came in, looked like he was 20's; he was 14. Kid did all that Vai/Satch/Malmsteen/Bucketshit stuff. The weird thing is that he acted a bit embarased about it.

Of coarse the bucket helps with the ladies. Look at that hair, I bet the dude looks like Streisand...or IS Streisand :o So the ladies don't gotta see his face, which could have this ginormous hook nose...or bird beak/chisel nose

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  • 2 weeks later...

Came across all this looking for info on buckets gear, and found a massive flame fest....pathetic. first off bucket has a signature lp, a real custom made one that no one can get! he just doesnt have a production model sig, which is really just a lp with a custom colour and name. you dont buy a custom slash guitar, you buy a manufactured money grab...its cooler to customize your own gear!


As for bucket himself, watch the young buckethead dvd...specifically the bucket in the park 1,2,3 on youtube he actually talks during an interview and there is backstage footage of him, no clear shots of his face though. He wears the mask because his music is so unusual and odd, you either hate it or love it...you couldnt just have a some average guy standing there doing 8 finger tapping. The KFC bucket came from a moment of inspiration he says in an interview after his dad brought a bucket of chciken home for dinner he had the mask and then the bucket and thats how it came together, his kind of music needs a character. His original band the deli creeps were all characters, and thats how he gained notoriety so why not stick with. no one knows bryan carroll (real name) but they know buckethead.

....And why does shredding always have to be judged as not having soul or not being played from you heart...bs. whatch that flammenco spanish style, like esteban or look some up on youtube, those guys a mad shredding but theyre guitars arent plugged in and its some guy in a suit rather than a bucket and no one would ever say "...oh that guys crap he just knows how to play fast"


Anyways I want to put a killswitch like bucket has in his lp in my sg, anyone know a good online parts store or guitar part store that carries them...beside radio shack or the source, id rather have quality parts

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Man, we are talking about a commercial/production version... just as there are a complete lineup of zakk and slash signatures in production.


His current guitar, might be "his signature" made for him, it could be considered the prototype.


I doubt they will come up with a commercial version of it.

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I just re-read your first post man...


2 things:


1st, it is indeed better to mod your guitar, thus making her your signature. As you say, buying a "signature" really translates into buying a manufactured money grabber.


2nd you can probably order it online from guitarparts.com or (I would look here first) from www.stewmac.com I have bought from them on several ocassions and they shipped overseas promtly so I highly recommend them.

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buckethead fans are so lame it hurts.

I like EVH a TON but when I see people bashin him I don't chime in and preach about how good he is and try to change peoples opinions

I really don't like any shredded (and yes buckethead IS a shredded) with eddie being the exception but I understand and respect some of them, I appriciate dimebag and satch, even if I don't like them

But buckethead is worthless

No Les Paul for him

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buckethead fans are so lame it hurts.

I like EVH a TON but when I see people bashin him I don't chime in and preach about how good he is and try to change peoples opinions

I really don't like any shredded (and yes buckethead IS a shredded) with eddie being the exception but I understand and respect some of them' date=' I appriciate dimebag and satch, even if I don't like them

But buckethead is worthless

No Les Paul for him[/quote']




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buckethead fans are so lame it hurts.

I like EVH a TON but when I see people bashin him I don't chime in and preach about how good he is and try to change peoples opinions

I really don't like any shredded (and yes buckethead IS a shredded) with eddie being the exception but I understand and respect some of them' date=' I appriciate dimebag and satch, even if I don't like them

But buckethead is worthless

No Les Paul for him[/quote']


You just bring him into a thread that has nothing to do with him...EVH fans are so lame tongue.gif, does he really need to be on the cover of guitar world again??

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know that probably anything can change the minds of all you Buckethead Haters/Critics, but, I would recommend that you take a listen to a few albums that will show one of the sides of BH: the emotion and feeling playing that you all say that he doesn't have.


Colma (1998)

An album dedicated to his mother. I recommend:








Electric Tears (2002)

Buckethead on acoustic and electric guitars only. I recommend:

"All In The Waiting"






Population Override (2004)

This is, in my opinion, his best album to date, is in part a Jazz fusion record, I HIGHLY recommend this album to anybody. I recommend:








I hope that you could give a listen to any of this albums, just to show you another side of this player that his recordings go anywhere between Avant-garde, jazz fusion, funk, instrumental rock, hard rock, progressive metal, heavy metal, experimental rock, funk metal, ambient, dark ambient, alternative metal and electronica.



NOTE: All the songs have a link to a youtube video so you can listen to them.

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