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Les Paul Nuclear Extreme


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Someone on fleabay is selling a Les Paul Nuclear Extreme and passing it off as an Epiphone Elitist. Sadly, some people are bidding on it anyway even though someone called the seller's bluff and told them that it isn't an Elitist. I think it may be the ugliest guitar I've ever seen. Like a skin disease from the SciFi Channel.




What did these go for new? From Harmony Central reviews and a few places on the web, they seemed to have been somewhere around $249 street.

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If you have never played one, then I will say you are missing out. I have a red and yellow one and it is a great guitar. Yes, the colors take a little getting use to but for playability and sound, it is a great guitar. I love the pickups and that is why I bought the guitar.


If the color bothers you, paint it.

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