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Okay, so I got this bare-naked Epi LP Special and trying to make something nice out of it. The thing has no pickups, no strings, no tuners. Now, I really don't feel like throwing a pair of Duncans in there, not sure if it's gonna be worth it in the end, so I'm looking for some nice HB pickups that could be used to somehow bring that guitar back to life without spending a fortune.


Any ideas or recommendations?


Thanks guys!

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I checked out GFS, specially those cool Zebras, and they seem nice but I was thinking "too good to be true"... lol


Mostly into classic rock, blues and even a bit of country from time to time (got a stock tele for that)... That's mostly it. I installed a pair of Duncan's Alnico II Pro in my GLP Studio and what a nice difference. Great tone, works wonders with my half stack.

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I was going to try the covered VEH models in my PRS copy, in hopes that they are comparable to a Gibson 498t or a Duncan '59. It would be nice if they had a comparison guide on their site telling what other popular models their pickups are comparable to... But at their price, it's not so bad to go with trial and error.

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I always say that you should find a star who has the sound that you are looking for and buy the pickups they use. But then, you need to match their highly modified tube amp, also.


I like my Duncan Pearlies, but so many people have sung the praises of GFS that I would have probably tried them had I known about them when I was looking to change my Epi humbuckers.


I thought I could get a deal on some used Gibsons on Ebay, but those people sell them at near retail after removing them from their guitar. I guess it's what the market will bear.

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I like the GFS Vintage 59s. Very clear, and distinct sounding pickups, a great bang for you buck. The neck pickup is not muddy at all and the bridge pickup is bright, but not overbearing. Very usable individually or together. I have covered and uncovered sets and I'm really happy with them.




The only pickup I didn't like from GFS that I tried was the Dream 180s. Some people love them, but they didn't do anything for me, they were just to thin sounding. I replaced them with a set of Burstbuckers, Pro and II in my G-400. and I love them. Even if you aren't on a budget, GFS in one route to go.


I put a set of their Fatbodys in a Tele look-a-like and I love them too.


I also threw a set of their Green Keystones in a G-400 project guitar, kind of like what you are doing. They are Luson look-a-likes, and they work very well. You will probably have to get a set of the larger bushings, my G-400 had 10mm holes.


If you are gonna replace the pots, I suggest www.stewmac.com. They have a better quality of Alpha pots wirh brass shafts, and cost only a few pennies more.

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I'm going along with jcwillow777 on the GFS Vintage 59s. I have a US Hamer Archtop Studio that came with an SD 59 in the neck and a JB in the bridge, and I always hated the JB. I pulled the JB and put the GFS Vintage 59 in there and was amazed at how harmonious they were. The GFS people clearly had the SD 59 in mind, as the name implies. Very good value in my opinion. Mine is gold-covered, and that's the tone I'm reporting.

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Definitely going with the GFS pups, no better value out there or so it seems. Vintage 59s, that's what I'm getting! Actually I also picked up a few parts I needed like the knobs, toggle switch and new pots...


Thanks guys for all the help!

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Guest alanhindle

Anybody tried the crunchy pats Canine mentioned? I'm tempted to swap out the stock pickups on my Epi LP.


The crunchy pats are only $50 per pair and, for an extra $18 air mail postage to the UK, it's still a good saving for me over a pair of Seymours. I wouldn't really want to spend a third of the price of my guitar on new pups.

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