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Epi Les Paul standard better than the Gibson LP studio!


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I guess I should qualify that...I don't think the current Japanese and Korean-made Epiphone guitars are crap...actually they're pretty good values in their price niche but in no way or on any level do they compare with an actual Gibson..that's where the problem arises..when Epiphone owners staunchly defend their guitars as being on equal footing



you crack me up.

GP says 90% of the gibson....

epi owner after epi owner.. and many very much experienced and owners of gibsons as well as other major brands..

tell tell you that's really true..

and yet you ignore it all and go right back to your totally grandiose and unsubstantiated claims.


in no way or on any level do they compare?

Then I must be Tommy deluxe..

I can't see, hear, or feel.


Because my epis compare for playability.

they compare for looks.

they compare for tone.


and they compare well. well enough that I buy them. Well enough that I play them for years and years.

Well enough that people compliment the tone, the look, the feel.


I don't know why Lost feels the value is greater for a gibson.

I would say the gibson, in fact, represents a lower value.. you don't get as much more guitar as the greater increase in price promises.

I still love 'em don't say I don't. I'd still own one. They have the resale.

But they are really only a holy grail unto themselves.. that is, a tele, a plain jane tele, may make the same claim for itself.


But Lost is right.. I have no idea why you come here.

And you have no right to call people idiots, etc.


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Lost here,


What i stated about value is incorrect, i meant quality.

This happens when not writing in your own language.

I wished that when i was young present Epi's were around.

The quality of budget guitars in the early seventies don't compare to now.



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I guess I should qualify that...I don't think the current Japanese and Korean-made Epiphone guitars are crap...actually they're pretty good values in their price niche but in no way or on any level do they compare with an actual Gibson..that's where the problem arises..when Epiphone owners staunchly defend their guitars as being on equal footing



you crack me up.

GP says 90% of the gibson....

epi owner after epi owner.. and many very much experienced and owners of gibsons as well as other major brands..

tell tell you that's really true..

and yet you ignore it all and go right back to your totally grandiose and unsubstantiated claims.


in no way or on any level do they compare?

Then I must be Tommy deluxe..

I can't see' date=' hear, or feel.


Because my epis compare for playability.

they compare for looks.

they compare for tone.


and they compare well. well enough that I buy them. Well enough that I play them for years and years.

Well enough that people compliment the tone, the look, the feel.


I don't know why Lost feels the value is greater for a gibson.

I would say the gibson, in fact, represents a lower value.. you don't get as much more guitar as the greater increase in price promises.

I still love 'em don't say I don't. I'd still own one. They have the resale.

But they are really only a holy grail unto themselves.. that is, a tele, a plain jane tele, may make the same claim for itself.


But Lost is right.. I have no idea why you come here.

And you have no right to call people idiots, etc.



If the top guitar in my "arsenal" was a Korean Epiphone and I referred to a bunch of Chinese kit guitars as "custom strats and teles" I don't even think I'd open my mouth..from your postings you wouldn't know a good guitar if it bite you in the bee-hind and coming in here all nicey because you hoped to unload your All-Parts crap was pretty funny too...did you ever find the truss rod in that Cort? I about died when I saw "you" giving truss rod advice...you, see I've known you since the days when you were laughed out of rec.guitar and alt.guitar with your nonsensical drivel...and now you're a dealer...that's hilarious too but we aren't supposed to talk about that..I come here to discuss Epiphone which encompasses a lot of guitars beside that cheap Chinese crap...now, don't you have to get out in your garage and make a pick guard or something?



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Uh oh.....Nelson's stepped up a gear from foul mouthed language to indecency. Somebody hurry up and get that injection.



Indecency? where?...the only thing indecent is that they didn't drown you when they saw what a sick, deformed puppy you were and still allowed you to live...that was just wrong...grab your box of tissues...almost time for Hannah Montana...




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Aaaww' date=' do you have to be mean to me again Sir? I thought you'd switched back to Twang.[/quote']


I actually enjoy slapping you around because you seem to enjoy it so much as I enjoy giving it to you and you keep coming back for more..Twang isn't half as much fun as you...he's just delusional...you're delusional and masochistic...



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Well since this is turning into an asshole-fest (good job guys, you made your own new celebration, and it seems that today the asinine gold medal may be going home with Mr. Nelson!) I'll just answer the question. Yes the Les Paul Studio actually does sound better plugged in, but otherwise I'd take the Plus Top and swap the pups out and have $300+ to spare. Probably get a Classic Vibe. I can't stand the sight of the Studio though, no binding...fail. The 2006 Studio I sold a couple of months ago came horribly set up. I don't care what anyone may say, Gibsons do sound better than Epiphone about 120% better, so it should cost 20% more right? wrong try 6x as much.

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For the record, if twang or epiplayer want to come by, play my epi, and drink my beer, you are both welcome as well.


I don't want anybody thinking I'm picking sides or anything, LOL! Heck, for that matter, why don't you all swing by, I have plenty of decent Chinese guitars and American beer to go around... :)

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Well since this is turning into an asshole-fest (good job guys' date=' you made your own new celebration, and it seems that today the asinine gold medal may be going home with Mr. Nelson!) I'll just answer the question. Yes the Les Paul Studio actually does sound better plugged in, but otherwise I'd take the Plus Top and swap the pups out and have $300+ to spare. Probably get a Classic Vibe. I can't stand the sight of the Studio though, no binding...fail. The 2006 Studio I sold a couple of months ago came horribly set up. I don't care what anyone may say, Gibsons do sound better than Epiphone about 120% better, so it should cost 20% more right? wrong try 6x as much.[/quote']


Ohhhhh an Epiphone LP Standard and with a crappy Asian knock-off Bigsby even... and a Squier Strat !!!! I am green with envy...you are sooo much cooler than I am...and you even left the typo in your user name...HOW COOL IS THAT? ... you don't get any kind of vibe from an Epiphone...that's just the fumes from the polyurethane making you nauseous...and gee whiz...if it were only about changing out the pickups don't you think Gibson would just stick good pickups in the Epiphones and charge four times as much?...



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For the record' date=' if twang or epiplayer want to come by, play my epi, and drink my beer, you are both welcome as well.


I don't want anybody thinking I'm picking sides or anything, LOL! Heck, for that matter, why don't you all swing by, I have plenty of decent Chinese guitars and American beer to go around... :)[/quote']


Hey, while you're at it, invite Duane too..he can bring the Gibson Les Paul Custom he bought in 1981 for $1300 and his six foot tall rabbit pal, Harvey ...sounds like loads of fun..just don't let epiplayer anywhere near your small pets..



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I would've changed the pickups in the Gibson anyway, not exactly stunning in the first place. If you're paying $4000, should you not get hand-wound pickups...I guess not, but I guess it sounds like a stunning deal to you. The classic vibe is a guitar you ignorant fool, I wasn't saying I'd get a vibe from the Epi...my god

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Hey' date=' while you're at it, invite Duane too..he can bring the Gibson Les Paul Custom he bought in 1981 for $1300 and his six foot tall rabbit pal, Harvey ...sounds like loads of fun..just don't let epiplayer anywhere near your small pets..



I don't know about all that... I'm not too fond of six foot tall rabbits. Let's keep this one invite only...

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I would've changed the pickups in the Gibson anyway' date=' not exactly stunning in the first place. If you're paying $4000, should you not get hand-wound pickups...I guess not, but I guess it sounds like a stunning deal to you. The classic vibe is a guitar you ignorant fool, I wasn't saying I'd get a vibe from the Epi...my god[/quote']


Oh, like duh I dint know dat..you mean like the Les Paul Classic...oh, yeah lotta vibe there ,dude...I don't know what you're paying $4K for...$2200 gets you a great Les Paul Standard with a real "AA" top..and another two and a half puts '57 Classics in it for the best $2500 guitar on the market but if your budget only says a fifth of that you're outta luck...but duh, you prolly knew dat huh? and yeah, I agree,...I'm not crazy about most of the Gibson pickups except the '57 Classics...and I'm not your god..as much as I'd be honored to be...



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I don't know about all that... I'm not too fond of six foot tall rabbits. Let's keep this one invite only...



Don't worry about the wabbit...he's not really there any more than anything else...Just keep your eye on epiplayer...and lock up your kid's toys or they might go missing...and you know Twang is just going to drink up all your beer and then say it isn't as good as what he's made and has at home in his fridge..or what he once drank "back in the day"..which for him was about the time Asians crossed the Bering Straits going past Sarah Palin's house on their way to make Fenders in Mexico...



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Hey' date=' while you're at it, invite Duane too..he can bring the Gibson Les Paul Custom he bought in 1981 for $1300 and his six foot tall rabbit pal, Harvey ...sounds like loads of fun..just don't let epiplayer anywhere near your small pets..


Mr.Nelson[/quote']That crazy pooka.

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For the record' date=' if twang or epiplayer want to come by, play my epi, and drink my beer, you are both welcome as well.


I don't want anybody thinking I'm picking sides or anything, LOL! Heck, for that matter, why don't you all swing by, I have plenty of decent Chinese guitars and American beer to go around... =D>[/quote']


Dude I'll bring by my chinese Epi LP and some beer and we will put on a concert for the neighborhood.

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In general' date=' I would agree with that. On average, the Chinese epis I have seen and owned have been sub-par in comparison to the Korean ones, and even my samick avion is nicer than most Chinese epis. I say most though because in a few rare cases, [/quote']I've seen a lot of the Avions ( a lot of all the Greg Bennetts actually), and there are some good ones and many total crap ones.


I have several, and my fav is an AV5, discontinued, it's a flatop LP w/P90's, I got it for $199 new . It's hard to fathom any guitar being playable at that price, but it's the best Greg Bennett I've laid my hands on. And the stock P90's actually are great. In the cheap guitar universe it's a miracle or a fluke.

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That crazy pooka.


Back in the Dark Ages I had a Psychology class and I wrote a thesis and that was one of the films I used in my comparing and contrasting how films and other media reflected attitudes and opinions on mental illness (Cuckoo's Nest was a current film at the time) and treatment..."Harvey was my example of an emergent "medicated society" of the mid 20th Century where a pill (or injection) could "cure" mental illness through removing symptoms while the underlying condition remained and essentially how the "reality" of mental health was more relative to adaptation to social norms rather than a medically-defined criteria of treatment and cure...it was also a favorite film of mine as a kid...


What I can't get over though is that I can't think of any other product or brand where the consumers are so resistant to accept the possibility that they're falling prey to ad copy hyperbole and that the product could possibly be less than their wishful thinking creates it to be...as I said, you can take a horse to the water...


and going back to films...you seem to appreciate some of the same films as I do...have you ever seen Jean Cocteau's 1946 "Beauty And The Beast"?. After our conversation the other night I was looking for my VHS tape of "1984" and couldn't find it so I happened to be talking to my ex-wife today and asked if she had it and she said she didn't think so but if I came across "Beauty And The Beast" while looking for it to hang on to that for her...I have literally dozens of boxes of VHS tapes in my basement (my ex and I were both film nuts and had conservatively fifteen hundred movies on tape) anyway we got to talking about it and it is a must-see...the cinematography and special effects are amazing and really amazing when you consider it was made in 1946..anyway, check it out if you ever get the chance if you already haven't...



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I've seen a lot of the Avions ( a lot of all the Greg Bennetts actually)' date=' and there are some good ones and many total crap ones.


I have several, and my fav is an AV5, discontinued, it's a flatop LP w/P90's, I got it for $199 new . It's hard to fathom any guitar being playable at that price, but it's the best Greg Bennett I've laid my hands on. And the stock P90's actually are great. In the cheap guitar universe it's a miracle or a fluke.[/quote']

I think that with pretty much any guitar under the 500 to 600 price range, there's a strong "diamond in the rough" phenomenon. If you play through enough of them, you'll eventually stumble into the one that sings to you in a way that only an instrument worth 3 times as much should. That's how I keep ending up with cheap guitars... When I find a good one I can't let it go.

Unfortunately though, you have to do quite a bit of digging to find the good ones most of the time.

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Nelson, I am not going to get into a pissing match with you, but let me ask you something, the stuff I posted about China, I lived it, I was in charge of sourcing products that my North American suppliers were having difficulty in making. The chinese suppliers delivered nearly 100% on very difficult products to manufacture, while our best NA supplier had a defect rate of over 20%. Then, how you can say that this is delusional, I tell you, I was there, I saw it, I touched it. You were not there, so how can you tell me it did not exist? I am not defending China because my Epi is Chinese, it is actually Korean, so I have nothing to gain.


As late as the 1980's, people were brain-washed that Japanese products were crap, you were probably one of them. Today we pay more for a Japan brand. China is the next Japan. If you think that a plant in Nashville is the only one that can make a guitar, this is ridiculous, you are the dilusional one to think that everyone working at Gibson is a magic master luthier that can do no wrong? or that just because it says "made in America", it is supposed to the the best. How do you explain the Gibson crap I see at the local music store? Sure, you will say, that people should be giving thanks to Gibson for giving them the opportunity to own one of their decent guitars for the "reasonable" price of $3000 or more and those poor people who pay less rightfully deserve crap, ....an arrogant stand to take. I think that I figured things out, you must work for Gibson and you want to keep the rumour going that they build the best guitars in the world just to save your job. You hope the guitar market holds out and people will keep paying $3000 before Gibson can provide them with a decent guitar, but I tell you what, this recession will set things right, people are too darn concerned about feeding their families than they are about buying an overpriced guitar from Gibson. I already see a bunch of Gibson owners starting to dump their Gibbys because they can't pay their rent. Eventually, they will saturate the market, and cause prices will crash to where they should naturally be. If the used guitar market crashes, nobody will be buying a new guitar and Gibson will really be under pressure as a company.


I nearly snorted out my coffee through my nose when I read your comment on the quality of BMW as a premier brand. You should look closely at their 7-series. This is their flagship line, yet if you read the Consumer Reports for the last 15 years or so, this car always made the list for the worst cars every year. Look it up. Nice car on the surface, piece of crap when it comes to reliability and maintainability. The best brand for quality right now like-it-or-not is Lexus, look it up.


I don't understand you, you hate Epis, you love Gibsons, yet you spend all your time in here and not in the Gibson forum. You have issues to sort out, my friend.

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