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Craigslist experience...


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I have found a good deal on craiglist but if I complete the deal it will have to be through shipping and probably Paypal' date=' since I live outside the states (Puero Rico).



Any tips, experiences horror stories to share?



Thank you.







It would have to be one heck of a deal for me to buy through Craigslist without seeing the guitar first.

Actually, on 2nd thoughts, I would never do that. Too many rogues out there.


What is it you have seen that you want? Maybe there is another way to get hold of one?

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I have sold 3 guitars that were on the local CL to people that required shipping. I gave the buyers my number and spoke to them each before the making the deal. The one buyer was very leary so we probably had a dozen emails go back and forth along with 3 or 4 phone calls.


It shouldn't be a problem if you do your due diligence. Get a phone number from the seller. Give the seller a call and chat. You should be able to get an idea of his/her personality and whether you want to complete the transaction.


Make sure that you are comfortable with the seller. If you have the slightest cause for concern, tell the seller thank you and walk away.


Cross al your t's and dot all your i's. One thing I would not do is to pay via a money order or cash (duh). Use a credit card so you have some recourse in case the transaction goes south.


Good Luck.

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I have found a good deal on craiglist but if I complete the deal it will have to be through shipping and probably Paypal' date=' since I live outside the states (Puero Rico).



Any tips, experiences horror stories to share?



Thank you.







Don't do it! If you can't meet face to face it's almost assuredly a scam. Craigslist tells you that at the top of the page. You will lose your money and you will not get your guitar. I can't tell you the number of scammers I've dealt with on Craigs. That's why Craigs is designed to be a local buy and sell site. You can meet and greet and test your purchase. I just went through a protracted session with a "local" sale that actually was in North Dakota. "Protected by paypal". Don't believe it. The old saying "if it looks too good to be true - it probably isn't" rings true, especially on Craigslist.

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Have only bought one thing off Craig's List and that was locally so I got a chance to eyeball it first. The item (it was not a guitar) was as represented and a great buy.


Buying any instrument you have not held in your hands first is a crap shoot at best. I would only do it if it came with an iron clad, very liberal return policy.

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Don't do it. Why would he ship a guitar to PR that he should be able to easily sell locally? The answer is because there is no guitar. I've run across several scammers on Craig's List.


In fact Craig's List is adamant about doing deals face to face.


Also, I've heard several people state that Paypal offers very little protection if it's not an e-bay purchase.

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Don't do it. Why would he ship a guitar to PR that he should be able to easily sell locally? The answer is because there is no guitar. I've run across several scammers on Craig's List.


In fact Craig's List is adamant about doing deals face to face.


Also, I've heard several people state that Paypal offers very little protection if it's not an e-bay purchase.

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For me its best to be able to see it in person first so I nly shop local on the craigslist. Only time I was burned was because of my inexperience buying guitars. Did not know what to look for on one, so bought it anyway with a visible problem that should sent me running. I have bought three others and gotton good deals on all of them.

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Not everyone out there is a scam artist. Being a lefty my selling target in the valley is minimal at best. The people that I sold my guitars to, called me to inquire about shipping. I did not initiate the shipping proposal. If you see an ad and the seller is not looking to ship it, why would you think it's a scam??


Don't think your going to find a '50's strat or lp on CL for $1500 with shipping included. That's not going to happen.

But if you see something that is not an everyday fixture, ie; strat, lp, etc, it doesn't hurt to inquire to see if the seller is willing to ship the guitar.


Sometimes you can't pick up a guitar and play it before purchasing it, again speaking as a lefty. If you buy one and don't like it, sell it, that's not the end of the world. I've done that before as I'm sure we all have in the past.


Have a little bit of faith in mankind. On the other side, keep your guard up.

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