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Les Paul Custom versus Standard


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The Standard model is only bound around the body and neck whereas the Custom is completely bound. Also the finish quality on the custom is a little bit better as the price is more so more QC is put into place. Most importantly the Customs pickups have a greater clarity and an overall better sound they can feed back and growl when needed but can give you a very glassy tone when needed on demand.



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The performace of the pups between 2 Epis may very according to the range of tolerances on the pots and caps, and the pup height etc....what I'm saying is that they put exactly the same spec pups in both models. They don't put a "better" pup in the Custom. Never have.

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If you based it on the specifications, the differences between the Standard and the Custom are purely aesthetic. However, the Customs do seem to be built to a higher quality, as you can see in the price!


Honestly, though, you will find that a lot of 'identical' guitars will sound slightly different anyway, which is why trying the guitar before you buy it is important. As stated before, the difference in sound of the two models can be put down to things such as pickup height, but due to the fact that the two guitars are more or less the same, it is probably just that they naturally sound different anyway.


But I'm no expert, so I could be totally wrong here!

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I agree, my local epi dealer who stock quite alot as well as loads of gibsons said to me the only difference is the hardware colour, Binding and inlays. Hey said it cost more cos its prettier! He said the extra money is for the plating and extra work with the binding. He said its a bit of a con really cos the paint job is easier when doing a solid colour which saves time (time=money)


I tried 3 standards before i bought mine and the 3 guitars all felt different and all sounded different too. One was completely different from the other two so it could of been the wood, slight difference in pickup winding? Who knows?


Never tried any of thier customs as they were to flash looking for my liking (they had 2, white/gold and cherryish colour) and the rest were sold!. Even tho now id like the classic custom LP in black

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I don't believe there is any difference in build quality or materials' date=' other than the ones I mentioned. Epiphone make no claims about either, and I can't say I've noticed any difference. You pay for the binding, nicer inlays and "gold" plate metalwork. That's it. [/quote']


+1 Im going to have to agree with you on this. Loudnoize you just have to play both of them and pick the one that plays and sounds better. I would not worry to much about the electronics since most people change all that anyway. You should get the one that feels better and the one that you like the looks of more; chances are that you will change the pickups and electronics after a while anyway.

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