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I received my Masterbilt DR-500MCE yesterday.[scared]


I don't perform anymore (it's been a long time) but I still like to play to relax. Besides, once a music lover, always a music lover.


I bought this hoping it would have a high value for the money...so far I think I've made a good decision. It appears that I might be among the first to own one of these, it being a new model.


The sound is excellent and the intonation is perfect at least to my ears. I also bought a Roland Cube 30x amp and the sound produced by this combination is mind-boggling. Things have changed alot since I quit playing in the late seventies![cursing]


The build quality and workmanship of this instrument is amazing. The finish is gorgeous.


Right now, I'm working on building up my callouses.[cool]




Ohio USA

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Welcome, TommyB. I too, stopped playing (for 30 years), and only started again around the Millenium.

So, I understand...totally, your sentiments about learning and re-learning. But, it comes back, pretty

quickly, with just a bit of work. The only thing, for me, was that my "old" fingers, didn't seem to be

quite a fast, as they used to be. And, with a bit of arthritis, that's been a challenge. But, it's going ok,



Congrats, on the new guitar, as well.




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Thanks, Charlie Brown...


Yes, I find myself blowing chord changes that a few years ago I could do while half asleep (or drunk!).


I noticed a slight pain in the first joint of my left thumb, probably from gripping the neck too hard...that will go away as I regain my "touch" I hope.


Actually, I would think some regular playing might tend to be theraputic for arthritis, although painful.


One thing in my favor so far...I'm highly motivated. And since I retired last November I'll have the time to devote to practice. Problem is, right now every time I look at the new Epi I want pick it up and play, and I know those fingertips will scream!!



Ohio USA

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Well, you'll build them up pretty quickly, I would imagine. I notice, too...that at my age, calluses don't seem to

get as hard, or last as quite as long, as they used to. But, that might be my "imagination," or poor memory?! LOL

Could also be, that I get my hands wet, more often, doing "chores" around the house, or washing up, after those

chores. But, I'm not playing "professionally," at all...so, it's not a major problem, at this point.



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I did some internet research the other day to see if there are any "secrets" to the callous thing, and what I found was pretty much as I suspected...no magic potion or secret "juice". Just play, play, play. I did read however that you should stay away from hand lotions like the ladies use to keep their hands soft. Once you get them, anything that would tend to soften the callouses is a no-no. That makes what you said about the handwashing and chores and wet hands make sense.


Just tell your wife that you can't do that stuff anymore...after all...you're an artist!! ;-)

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LOL....if I only HAD a wife, to tell that to! Nope...I'm on my own, and so responsible for everything, to do, with this old house. ;>)

But, as I mentioned, it's no big deal, really...they're thick and robust enough, to sustain me, no more than I play "out." "Artiste," or not.



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Hello everyone, I am a proud new owner of a DR-500MCE as of yesterday. Incredible instrument for the price. I have a Breedlove that I payed almost 2000 for and this Epi with the E2 electronics is much more versatile than my Breedlove. Don't get me wrong my Breedlove sounds great, but if you are looking for the vintage Gibson acoustic sound, but can't afford the 2000-3000 dollars, this is the guitar for you.

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I just joined this forum myself a few days ago, and I too qualified by getting a new DR-500MCE.


I'm just getting back into playing after barely touching the guitar for nearly thirty years and I'm just playing now for relaxation and fun, so a $5,000 guitar really didn't make much sense. However, having owned a few instruments I appreciate and expect quality. After some research I settled on the 500. My first choice was the gorgeous EJ-200CE, but the backorder situation on those made me impatient.


The 500 is a higher end model, but being new there were no reviews or YouTube videos by any owners...you and I are among the first to own this guitar! So, it was a leap of faith to by a new, untried model.


BTW, I wrote the first review on Musician's Friend website on the DR-500MCE!


Like you, It's difficult to imagine quality like this for $600. I had many misconceptions about instruments in this price range...remember I've been out of it for while.


Another pleasant surprise for me...I had never owned an acoustic/electric before. I bought a small Roland CUBE30x amp here at a local store upon the recommendation of the owner, a long time musician. The sounds that guitar makes out of that amp are mind-boggling...it can even imitate a 12-string!


Anyway, I'm pleased so far overall...now I need to rebuild the callouses and practice a lot!

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It's like riding a bike...



Yep!! Once you've survived doing a 4 roll flip leaving half your elbow and knee skin on the pavement from hitting a 4' ramp at the wrong angle' date=' you just GOTTA try it over and over 'til you get it right! [biggrin


Welcome to the forum...............

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