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Blind or Visually impared Guitarists


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i'm not but i support people like that so much, it's unreal what practice and perfection can bring, even with a disability (hope that doesn't cause offense) if that's what you'd call it.


Showing even something pretty much life changing can't be an obstacle for someone with guitar playing potentials.

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I hired a blind, French keyboard player in the 70s -- he since went back to France and became a major star there. He is a great musician/singer and deserves it.


One day we got a gig at a redneck bar. So here we were, entering the bar, Gilbert wore sunglasses (his wife picked them out and they looked feminine by US styles), like many Europeans carried a purse, had long hair, and came in walking arm-in-arm with me since he couldn't see. Those rednecks at the bar immediately wanted to kill us, thinking we were gay. After some fast explaining, we made it to the stage alive, and the gig went fine after that playing rock and roll all night long. The rednecks that wanted to kill us actually ended up liking us.


Sorry to hijack your thread, but I just had to tell this story.


Notes ♫

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One day we got a gig at a redneck bar. So here we were, entering the bar, Gilbert wore sunglasses (his wife picked them out and they looked feminine by US styles), like many Europeans carried a purse, had long hair, and came in walking arm-in-arm with me since he couldn't see. Those rednecks at the bar immediately wanted to kill us, thinking we were gay. After some fast explaining, we made it to the stage alive, and the gig went fine after that playing rock and roll all night long. The rednecks that wanted to kill us actually ended up liking us.


Great story. Kind of makes you wonder what the definition of blind really is.



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Great story. Kind of makes you wonder what the definition of blind really is.



In Gilbert's case, it means absolutely no vision at all - nada - zip not even light or dark.


But he had astounding hearing. When on the road with him, he used to navigate the hotel corridors by snapping his fingers and hearing the echoes bouncing off the walls. He could find his way around unassisted remarkably well considering his handicap.


As far as the rednecks in the bar are concerned, they eventually saw the light.


Notes ♫

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That sounds a similar method to what Ray Charles did. I think he wore metal taps in his shoes so he could tell from the sound how narrow or wide a walkway was. Not to mention his other tricks, like feeling a womans wrist when he met them to ell if they were overweight.

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Once upon a time I had an eye injury and found myself for a bit over a month with both eyes patched over - and a possibility I might be blind for life. I was 15 at the time.


Well... I learned how to let other stuff help. Hands, sounds, general feel...


I have a friend-musician who can see some light and dark, some globs. He's good enough that were he living somewhere else he could do quite well. When I play music with him, I can cheat and watch his hands, his guitar, his movement for rhythm.


He just somehow managed to figure what and how I was moving when we'd do my stuff instead.


This will sound terrible to say, but I think a talented person with desire can probably manage to play guitar as long as they can hear and have enough body parts to play. A person with desire to play can similarly manage, but will not sound nearly as good. A person with talent and less desire can probably get by.



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