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youtube makes me so mad


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Youtube comments are a cesspool, and really aren't worth reading. You get the fan boys (and girls)stating how much they love the band or "so and so is SOOO hawt liek omg!" Then you have the crap stirrers saying how they suck etc. Anytime I bother to check out the comments some low lifer is trying to draw out a flame war.

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Youtube comments are a cesspool, and really aren't worth reading. You get the fan boys (and girls)stating how much they love the band or "so and so is SOOO hawt liek omg!" Then you have the crap stirrers saying how they suck etc. Anytime I bother to check out the comments some low lifer is trying to draw out a flame war.


I thought YouTube was so righteous..... Thanks for shattering my world, Jeff.... [crying][biggrin]

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I agree...


U Tube is a reflection of the internet in general

Potential for great opening of the mind

Often spoilt by immature forum postings by

Anonymous nobodies


I will not let it spoil my enjoyment...

In the last year I have had more fun looking at

Classic music performances than I could ever have dreamt of


And with biographies on wiki to complete the picture

It is a true musical enthusiast's playground.

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It's the same thing with Hobos. If you give them money, you're conditioning them to continue asking for it. But, if you don't, they'll eventually stop asking you for it. Same things with trolls, if people would learn to stop responding to comments like "Jimi hendrix is so overrated, so many people play his stuff now so he wasn't that important lawlz roflstomp," we wouldn't have this problem. SO, in conclusion, stop feeding the trolls, and they will wither and die.

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