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Christmas Project


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I'm trying to figure out how to paint/finish it.


That's the time consuming part. Due to drying time between coats, I spent 10 days painting my Leeds Fuzz and only one day soldering it up! Of course summer in Florida is not a good paint drying environment.

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I don't have a clue about time. This is my first pedal. As for the finish right now it's below 60 degrees to apply a finish so that will be difficult during the colorado winter.


I didn't know you were in Colorado.



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Awesome dude! BYOC pedals are top knotch. I've heard they're really easy to put together. A guy like you who does amps should have no problem knocking that out.


If you go to their forum they have great threads about finishing.


I just wish they had amp kits. They have a tab for amp kits but it's empty.

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