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Temperature changes

Rui Barata

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Hello my friends


I've read in several sites, Gibson included, that sudden temperature changes can damage your guitars. I'm kind of worried because I installed air conditioning in the room that I use to practice (and where I keep my SG). The guitar is always in the case when I'm not using it. When I get into the room the temperature is about 14 - 15ºC (57 - 59ºF) and the A/C is programmed to 21ºC (70ºF). When I turn it on the temperature goes up very fast. Do you think this is a huge range or is it not that much for a guitar?

My SG is a Faded Brown so I think the finishing cracking won't be a problem. About the guitar itself, I'm not so sure.


What do you think?

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I have heard three things about this:


1. Avoid SUDDEN changes. Like walking from your 70 degree house out into 35 degree weather. Or Cold house to hot weather. But it has to be drastic changes.


2. Don't keep the guitar anywhere were you would not be comfortable yourself. Like out in the hot sun, or hot car.


3. If you are going into another temperature zone (like a warm house after being in 50 degree weather for a while) you should let the guitar adjust slowly while in the case in the house, and then take it out after it has had time to warm up to room temperature.


This is good for the finish and the wood.

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Little cracks in the finish will occur if the gutiar warms up too fast. The wood expands quicker than the lacquer does, and the lacquer gives way buy producing little cracks.


As long as the guitar does not warm up too quickly or the temparature difference is not very big, there should be no problem. Going from 15ºC to 21ºC is not likely to cause problems. Watch out in winter though, when you come in and the gutiar is a lot colder than the room. Please check this link for some good tips:




I have never seen a faded SG with finish cracks. They might be less likely to get them. About damage on the wood in general you do not need to worry, the wood of your Gibson can take a little cold or warm.

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tee-hee. My SG Special has some interesting cracks in the finish with one being along the neck joint. Wood and joint integrity are OK though. Hard to gig out in the Great Lakes area and not fall victim to temperature issues.

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