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Why Can't I Post Pictures??


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The title says it all. I've tried using the "[img] photobucket link[/img]" without the quotes and an actual link of course, but it won't let me post any pictures.


When I view the preview it says "You are not allowed to use that image extension on this board."


What am I doing wrong??

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You are probably trying to link to the photobucket *page* that holds the image. You need to right-click (or control-click) on the image on that page and select "open in new page." That will take you to a page that has nothing but the image. The url of the page should end in .jpg or .gif or whatever your image file type is. Use that url as your image link.

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with photobucket you have to bypass the "image" icon.....


just click the "IMG code" bar on the selected pic.....it'll either say copied, or you can right click and manually select copy.


simply paste the copied code directly onto the forum reply text page (right click/paste) and you're done.

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Operator Error! [biggrin]


Go to EPIPHONE LOUNGE. At top will be a STICKY/Thread called:

The DO-it-Yourself" Thread. Click this. First section explains HOW

to post Photos using Either Photobucket OR Imageshack.


THe POWER is YOURS!!!!!!! [thumbup]

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No it's a 2000 or 2001 MIK but I sold it a while back and now I'm regretting it :/


Looks like you have the pic posting in hand now. Good! a moment of silence in memory of

gits that have passed.... (silence. silence, silence). Done.

I, too have gits I regretted selling, but one in particular I WILL get another of.

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Looks like you have the pic posting in hand now. Good! a moment of silence in memory of

gits that have passed.... (silence. silence, silence). Done.

I, too have gits I regretted selling, but one in particular I WILL get another of.



Ya I usually sell them to fund a different guitar. I guess I can't regret it too much because I would never have the opportunity to try out different guitars :).

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