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Did Christmas with my folks, brothers and sisters and nieces and nephews yesterday. After driving 2.5 hours in heavy snow we got home. We then watched A Christmas Carol (1999) with Patrick Stewart as Scrooge before turning in. Will be having our kids and grandkids over tomorrow for dinner.


Just me and Mom today. We got up late, ate breakfast, exchanged gifts. Then wet to work organizing the music room which has been in disarray for months.


Hadn't figured out how to set it up, but came up with a solution a few days ago. I used some bi-fold door panels to make a L shaped shelf/desk on two walls to accommodate HIFI and recording equipment at a future date, as well as a string changing table. Started on one wall and triaged the dis-array. Sorted music stuff to keep, other stuff to keep, stuff to trash. Dusted, vacuumed, and put away. After lunch, I blew the drive clear for the kids to park tomorrow and make a path to the burn barrel for the 'stuff to trash'.


Really having motivational problems getting back at the music room. So I thought I'd better post something here to give me a sense of accountability. No pics yet. It's still too embarrassing to look at. [blush] But, when it starts to take shape, I'll be posting.


I worked up such a sweat, I had to turn on the ceiling fan... and it's 30°F outside! [scared]


Well back to the salt mine. Will probably watch "A Christmas Story" before going to bed.

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Good luck with your project. Being in an apartment, I feel like I'm pretty limited on what I can or can't do, but a "legit" music room is something I will definitely have when I own my first home.


I'm imagining mine to have some sort of work bench for general guitar maintenance, as well as plenty of shelving for various paraphenlia. In my head, it's awesome, though the end result will probably be underwhelming. That's ok too, as long as it's functional and serves its purpose in a nice, comfortable way.


Are there any "Pics of your music room" threads? This would probably get you motivated a bit if you could see others. I'm sure some guys have some great setups.




Update: Here's my little room. It's essentially one half of what is also an office. Trying to use space as efficiently as possible (note the Marshall tucked beneath the desk - though I've since moved it).



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... which means flip a few switches, and strap something on.



Switches? Switches? I don't need no steenking switches. (almost all acoustic... almost)



..Are there any "Pics of your music room" threads? ..


Several. I have here-to-fore been unable to participate as I had none. I can now actually see floor. Maybe I should take some candids of the place as a work-in-progress. Now where did I put that instamatic? :unsure: Probably the 110, as the BSU, or SUB port on the front of the 'puter is about the right size. [bored]

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