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Les Paul crying


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ok,, i have a little sad story and a question...had a '99 les paul standard--ebony,cream binding,beautiful,best sounding and playing guitar ever owned..i got into a screwed up situation,,had to pawn,,it was pulled out from under me legally.,.,gone, no way to get back,that was in '05 and i've been sick/pissed,,,completely heartbroken since. Can't afford to try and locate another,,so,there's a guy who wants to trade me a '01 LP standard DC for 1 of my strats.i've never played a DC... it's not a LP it's a lp DC,,,i've read,listened to soundclips..,., but not only do i know visually it's not the same there's something telling me it wont be the same. Opinions please,,or did i answer my own question..and just wait for the day i can get another.I'm kinda a perticular type person,even the fact it's a double seems to automatically make it not the same,,even if I was blindfolded and played each and they satisfied sound and feel,,I would still eventually take the blidfold off. Sorry for such a sad story,,but you guys being gibson owners should understand,,,the wife and friends who don't play don't get it.

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Yup, I doubt you'll be happy until you get a standard back in your hands.

I had a 2004 LPDC standard. They are great players, but not suitable for everyone's tastes.

You're not alone, I miss a few guitars that got away.... but don't we all.

Like Kahune says, save your coins.

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I love the Gibson LP DCs.......My goal is collecting guitars, not trading them......An 01 DC is a nice guitar, very nice...You don't mention what Strat you'd trade, so we can't give detailed advice based upon unknowns...


I say, keep your Strats, buy the DC, and save up for a new or used LP Standard or a LP non-chambered Traditional.......And avoid pawn shops at all costs, if you can...


I'm sorry your wife doesn't understand your 'music self'.....Many musicians choose a girlfriend / wife / spouse based upon expected support..I do...

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Thanx guys,, just want to clear up a couple things,,when i said "it's a DC" what i meant was that i know it's a Gibson LPDC,,even though i haven't owned one it cannot sound and feel the same,,and also a Dc is doublecut,,a les paul is a single cut,,like i said if i put on a blindfold and played each and they sounded the same which i doubt,,eventually i take off the blindfold.I love the way it plays,the way it sounds,and the way it looks.Not being a smarta** but if you own a les paul and you play something else no matter what,you know,it's not the same(100%) and i understand even if i get another '99 ebony,.,.not too likely is it going to sound identical.The part about the wife and friends not understanding means- she knew years ago i love music and guitars,,but she doesn't play,,she doesn't know that feeling/bond you have with your guitar.she's ok with it even though she doesn't understand.Again,,not being a smarta** but only other guitarist know the feeling.

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