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Fender Mustang 1 Series Amp


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UPDATED to include Amplitube Fender LE software review


For quite a while I have been enjoying all the different reviews and opinions on amps,

pedals, guitars etc. I put my in my 2 centavos very rarely, so the other day I noticed a post

on, which amp? for this amount? thread and Milo asked "What about the Fender Mustang?"

It got me to thinking because I bought a Mustang 1 for my grandson (14yrs.) so he could have his own

and so I wouldn't have to readjust any of the gear I have that he was fiddling with. I never really did

detailed research just went to the local Rock Shop and let him listen and he picked this out.

The Mustang 1 was slightly over $100.00 soooo SOLD.

He turned it on and went to town. It didn't sound bad for a 100 bone amp. It has all 24 presets

loaded in that emulate different amps such as 59 Bassman, 57 Deluxe ,57 Champ, 57 Deluxe, 65 Deluxe Reverb,

65 Princeton, 65 Twin Reverb, Super Sonic in the Burn setting (I couldn't find the Vintage setting) 60, 70, 80's British,

American 90 and Metal 2000.


I have never had or even been able to play on all of these different amps and am not able to compare side by side to say

"Hey, they did a great job on this application." HOWEVER, this grabbed my ATTENTION.

I loaded the FUSE software that comes with the amp connected the headphone out to my BOSE L1 System, used the headphone out on my computer which

allows this Band "Backing" Track feature. connected the USB cord and I AM IMPRESSED.

The Tone this thing emulates is impressive! Not only are there different "tone" preset settings without connecting the computer that sound sweet but, by connecting the amp to the computer you can add different tone cabinets to the amp heads. In addition Stomp Boxes, Modulation,Delay and Reverb (thev'e included the 63 Spring and 65 Spring) You can control the individual setting knobs and get online and download other Custom Settings for FREE!!!. You get Jammer Recording software and the Amplitube Fender LE software ALL FOR $100.00. I will be days just playing with the pre-sets cause there are some sweeeeeeeeeeet tones coming out and I haven't even touched the other included software. I think for the more computer savvy group this is childs play to you. Suggestion: You could use your existing amps on the CLEAN Setting via headphone to amp like I did. It could be a great buy for you. It was for me and I didn't even know it till last night. The only problem I have is I need to buy one for me now!

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Agreed, I bought myself a Mustang II for Christmas for the 40watt 12" speaker and It allows me to jam out in my apartment without waking the neighbours. Awesome amp for the cash no question. +1


Have you been online to download the Backing Tracks? What do you think?

Amplitube Software requires another cable interface? Do you have an opinion?

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I downloaded all the software, but when I was doing it it was late on Boxing day, or over the holidays and by the time I had everytihng downloaded my eyes would glaze over just looking at another screen, so I haven't really given it a fair go. I will and repost later when I do.

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Yeah, the reason I asked about it was because it looked like a heck of a deal, perhaps especially that 12-inch speaker 40-watter. Even the higher-powered versions look like a great bang for the buck from a respected company. And I remember how much I liked the old DR.


Question on this, though...


Does it sound decent without running through the PA?



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I am so used to my tube amps etc. that it is hard to be objective. HOWEVER,

The Mustang 1 has a decent tone from small watts. When you

put on headphones it is even better. This is why I believe Fender

decided to make this in a larger format. Live Sound thru quality

speakers and amp. This product is a Winner. IMO

I particuarly like the BASSMAN DRIVE Preset with my L7 Smoooooooth

I'm all giddy on that but, you'll have that with a New Gear Day and if not for

you I would have let the GS have at it and not paid it any attention. [thumbup]



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I downloaded one of their Free Band Backing Tracks. Submitted by various authors. Fender has included a

feature that allows you to play these tracks continuously (looped) if wanted. This one is

called Jazz in "C" it is a a piano, walking bass, brushed snare combo, quite COOOOL

especially with me (Chuckling... new gear day ya know)

If you want Milo it's MP3 format pm me and I'll send[thumbup][biggrin] it.

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I Love tube amps, and have several! BUT...Solid State has come a LONG way,

and as they are a lot less prone to servicing, than tube amps, it almost

makes more sense, to use the solid state, or good/great modeling amps, out

here in the "sticks!" One has to drive 100 mile (minimum), for tubes, or

servicing of a tube amp, here. So...that Mustang IV and even the 1/2 Stack

V, are REAL interesting, to me. Especially, for the price! Can't wait

to try one out, the next trip to Wichita, or OKC.



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I bought the mustang 1 for about $99 for a practice amp. I am very happy with it. My only problem has been with the fuse software. I downloaded presets that both Fender and community members loaded on there so I could get close to some sounds like The Edge, Knoppfler etc and have not been able to get it to recognize the dowloaded presets. I have a Mac and the Fuse seems to work well except for that one feature. I'll figure it out with their technical support help I'm sure.

For the money it is a fabulous amp. Great concept too.

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I bought the mustang 1 for about $99 for a practice amp. I am very happy with it. My only problem has been with the fuse software. I downloaded presets that both Fender and community members loaded on there so I could get close to some sounds like The Edge, Knoppfler etc and have not been able to get it to recognize the dowloaded presets. I have a Mac and the Fuse seems to work well except for that one feature. I'll figure it out with their technical support help I'm sure.

For the money it is a fabulous amp. Great concept too.



I was having problems because I was not getting the "Concept" of the software loading, whether it was the Band or the ZPresets i.e. Knoppfler etc

Here is how I worked thru this.

1. When downloading either First.. I made a Fender Fuse folder then inside it a Band folder and a Preset folder

2. The key to getting the file downloaded to play in the software for me was to goto Main Menu (upper left) then click View then click Media Library,.. you will be taken to the Media library Screen

3. On the right side note Add to Library and click

4. Choose which folder and files you want to add to your Mustang Play List i.e Preset or Band

5. For the Preset double click on the Preset name that will take you back to the "preset editor" screen and you should be good to go

It took a little noodleing around to figure out what to do.

I am using Windows os btw Hope this helps you[biggrin]


Still having a New Gear Moments [thumbup][biggrin][scared][biggrin]

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As an update to the review of the FENDER Mustang packaged software.

I started on the AMPLITUBE FENDER LE software included. At first I thought

Oh Great they put the software in here and I am still going to have to buy

their interface product to make this work. I WAS WRONG!

After searching the FENDER Help site I came across the instructions for setting it up.

It is a simple field adjustment in the program that allows you to use the MUSTANG as the

interface and TA DA the program is on line.

I loved the FENDER AMP Sounds this software is able to deliver. Also, there is a tuner feature

that is better than the one in the FUSE Program (default for the amp). There is also a feature

that allows you to take any, yes I said any, of your audio files import them to the included Player/Looper.

I in fact played along with my self recorded files and a CD I had in "MY Music" In addition

the soft ware allows you to have an "A" and "B" i.e start and stop any place in the song file so you can practice

the "lick" continuously if desired. What a sweet addition to an already GREAT deal on an amp.

Again for 100 bones this is a sleeper deal buy in my opinion.

Next. I am going to try and figure out the other 2 (two) software packages added to this amp package. (recording software.

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