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It's Fallas in Valencia now!!!


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There's something I've been meaning to ask you: I was in Barcelona a couple of weeks ago, and I don't think I've ever seen as many people -- guys and girls -- walking around with guitars on their backs. Guitars everywhere! Is that common for Spain, or was it just a fluke? I felt like I was in the Land of Guitars! [biggrin]


At least it's not phallus in Valencia [biggrin]



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There's something I've been meaning to ask you: I was in Barcelona a couple of weeks ago, and I don't think I've ever seen as many people -- guys and girls -- walking around with guitars on their backs. Guitars everywhere! Is that common for Spain, or was it just a fluke? I felt like I was in the Land of Guitars! [biggrin]







Yeah, but they use soft guitar cases here as back packs, holds alot more stuff... Everyone does it.























Just kidding, Don't forget Spain has a long tradition of guitar through out it's history. There are lots of players and lots of guitar companies that make some very fine instruments. More so classical/acoustic guitars but there are some small shops/Luthiers making some outrageous electrics too...

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Funny joke, but you may be on to something! Just think how much makeup, haircare stuff, and skin lotion a chick could stuff into a gigbag.


I knew the Spanish had a long tradition of guitar playing, but it just didn't prepare me for what I saw there. It was extremely cool. Once, we were sitting in an outdoor cafe. A guy came by, played some of his own compositions (really good stuff), collected some money, and then sat down for a few coffees with his girlfriend. While he was sitting there, he continued to play for over an hour, just messing around. I think I was the only one who found this surprising, but where else could one see something like that? It's definitely never going to happen in a Starbucks in the States...


Anyway, I'm a total Spain-fan now! [biggrin]

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Truly Amazing seen it twice now but have not been there since 2006. the Falla Especial (or however you spell it) are some truly amazing art I was stunned when they burned them though, all that work and money poof and what a party. It doesn't hurt that the women are amazing either.


You didn't even tell me you were here... [confused]

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