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my mate just got burgled

Guest Farnsbarns

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Guest FarnsBarns

My mate was bulged today. There was no forced entry. The house is on the market and his estate agent (realtor?)has keys. No one else has keys!

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Guest FarnsBarns

so what's the advice? :-k


Given that the scenes of crime officer (forensic expert) says the doors where opened with a key. Don't let your estate agent have your keys!

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Guest FarnsBarns

ok, so i say to the agent "i want you to sell my house for me but there's one catch...you can't have the keys so people can't view it"...yea that will work out [biggrin]


It's fairly common over here that the agent will send people round when you are in and you show them round.


Look at your location...London...of course he got burgled! Living there it's just a matter of time...I lived in Brixton for 6 years...it's a way of life... [thumbdn]


Goes for any city doesn't it? As it goes I live in Purely Oaks/Sanderstead, It's not really London at all, just that people know where London is.

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Sucks that he got burgled, but that doesn't mean "Stop Trusting Those Darned Realtors". And "No Sign of Forced entry" doesn't mean someone used a key. A window could have been left open, a back door left unlocked, a "Prospective Buyer" could have cased the joint and surreptitiously left a way into the house unsecured. These are way more likely instances than a crooked Realtor burgling a client.


A crooked Realtor would take more profit than they said, or get $400 for cleaning up the property for show, but only spend $60 getting the job done. White and Blue collar criminals seldom share the same skin.


You're probably looking at a neighbor kid who saw opportunity and struck, or a clever criminal posing as a Real Estate buyer.

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Guest FarnsBarns

"No Sign of Forced entry" doesn't mean someone used a key.


No, but a forensic investigator saying they used a key pretty much does mean just that. I'll update this once the investigation is finished but for now the theory the police are working to is that a buyer who was given an unsupervised free run of the house by the agent has taken the spare key. A key is missing, along with keys to both cars but the police think the spare key to the house was taken previously.


I am a bit perplexed why everyone here, who have never been to the property, thinks they know better than the police, who are better qualified and spent several hours doing forensic tests. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind, I'm just surprised.


It was just a word to the wise that you shouldn't trust anyone with your keys, no matter how professional they seem.

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"But Mr. Holmes! How did you know that?"


"Elementary, my dear Watson. You see....."


How many giutar players does it take to screw in a light bulb? 40. One to get a new bulb, climb the ladder, take the old bulb out, put the new one in, and 39 to say "I CAN DO THAT".


Please, please keep us imformed. We are like 39 Watsons here.

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Guest FarnsBarns

"But Mr. Holmes! How did you know that?"


"Elementary, my dear Watson. You see....."


How many giutar players does it take to screw in a light bulb? 40. One to get a new bulb, climb the ladder, take the old bulb out, put the new one in, and 39 to say "I CAN DO THAT".


Please, please keep us imformed. We are like 39 Watsons here.


I don't get it?

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Guest FarnsBarns

Yeah, it's a bummer. They took his late grandfathers watch, his wife's late fathers watch and his wife's late uncle's watch which was being kept until their little boy gets older. They took lots of other valuable and very sentimentaly valuable stuff too.


I spent half the afternoon there because his wife didn't want to be there alone.

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I don't get it?

Ever watch Sherlock Holmes? The part that makes it fun is that Watson is constantly playing the devil's advocate, and questioning Holmes, which in turn gives the viewer a chance to see his thinking. Like all good mysteries, we often do the same thing. It's just human nature.


On top of that, guitar players are a different crowd in that we like to think we know it all. We are always thinking (I stress this is a stereotype) that we can do anything anyone else can.


So, forgive us and cut us some slack. We are as a whole both curious and arrogent.

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Guest FarnsBarns

Ok, I see what you mean. I did accept all the reasonable stuff but Dub took a step further and said I was BSing. Also, everyone else accepted the details once they had squeezed me for them but Dub still thinks he knows better.


As I say, I think he is just tolling for the fun of it.

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Guest FarnsBarns

I just wonder what kind of Lock they have that can tell whether it's been unlocked with a key or unlocked on the way out after coming in thru an unlocked window. Obviously not your typical Quick Set.


Well I suppose that's what you get for studying forensic science for several years. I don't know how they know but there are lots of things that people know and I don't know how they know them.


I suppose they could have asked my friends if any windows were left open. They could have found foot prints on they way in. I do know they can tell things like if someone walked backwards to cover their tracks.


I just can't give you an exact answer I'm afraid. All I know is what they told me. They seemed to know what they were doing. Like they know they wore rubber gloves, don't ask me how they knew that.

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Getting robbed sucks, not just the loss but the feeling. Its almost like rape. Sometimes, it does'nt matter that it was your nieghbor instead of you, it still affects us sometimes.


I had this kid mowing my lawn. I could have done it myself but he seemed like he was trying so I gave him a chance. So, I ask him a little stuff while I am taking him to the store for gatorade, "so..you go to school?" He says, "No, I don't like school. I'm done with school". I say, "So, you work?" He says, "No, I lost my job". why? "I got shot". How? "Wrong place at the wrong time".

So..then my computer comes up gone. It was like a duh moment. He disappears for 3 weeks, then he comes back. Yadda yadda, bla bla. I told him I know he ain't going to admit it, but I was young and dumb once just like he is now, just be careful trying to sell it and watch yourself because the cops took prints (they didn't get any, just wanted to tell him they did).


I feel dumb, not because I got burned but because I failed to see it coming, should have been able to see he was a gang-banger and with new babies next door and across the street, I felt very irresponsible.


Not that I think it was him, but the neighbors next door ended up getting robbed some months later. Broke in. Feeling silly doesn't really describe it, you worry because sometimes things can get dangerous if it goes wrong. And you can't help but feel bad for someone and angry as well.

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Guest FarnsBarns

Getting robbed sucks, not just the loss but the feeling. Its almost like rape. Sometimes, it does'nt matter that it was your nieghbor instead of you, it still affects us sometimes.


I had this kid mowing my lawn. I could have done it myself but he seemed like he was trying so I gave him a chance. So, I ask him a little stuff while I am taking him to the store for gatorade, "so..you go to school?" He says, "No, I don't like school. I'm done with school". I say, "So, you work?" He says, "No, I lost my job". why? "I got shot". How? "Wrong place at the wrong time".

So..then my computer comes up gone. It was like a duh moment. He disappears for 3 weeks, then he comes back. Yadda yadda, bla bla. I told him I know he ain't going to admit it, but I was young and dumb once just like he is now, just be careful trying to sell it and watch yourself because the cops took prints (they didn't get any, just wanted to tell him they did).


I feel dumb, not because I got burned but because I failed to see it coming, should have been able to see he was a gang-banger and with new babies next door and across the street, I felt very irresponsible.


Not that I think it was him, but the neighbors next door ended up getting robbed some months later. Broke in. Feeling silly doesn't really describe it, you worry because sometimes things can get dangerous if it goes wrong. And you can't help but feel bad for someone and angry as well.


It's enfuriating that good people always end up feeling these things when the real Aholes that brake in feel nothing.


We were talking about this this afternoon as well, you start looking at everyone with a suspicious mind. There was this guy sitting in a car on the otherwise of the road. Poor guy, 4 of us staring at him.

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From your friendly neighborhood Spiderman, Dubby, no need to argue, really. His friend just got burglarized and their experts were there to inspect, not your or I. If it was posted vaguely by a non-expert, that's all that is. It doesn't take away from the info. the police have, which is not fully available to us. The op is just relaying what he understands the best he can and does not deserve to be flamed. [thumbup]

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It's enfuriating that good people always end up feeling these things when the real Aholes that brake in feel nothing.


We were talking about this this afternoon as well, you start looking at everyone with a suspicious mind. There was this guy sitting in a car on the otherwise of the road. Poor guy, 4 of us staring at him.

No worries. The real truth is, they do feel something. In the end, it is better to be on the receiving end than the giving end when it comes to doing wrong.


We all have a conscience and demons we have to deal with.

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Guest FarnsBarns

Dude, I think you might think a little more before you assume. The guy's neighbor just got robbed, what do you think he might be thinking about some guy giving him crap about what he is sharing about it? You might be in error if you think he asked for it.


I'm all for a little inner ******bag coming out, but there is also a time to be a ******, and a time not to be a ******.


I appreciate that but there really isn't any need to get drawn in. I pitty him because he must go through life living with the consequences of his combative attitude.

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Guest FarnsBarns

Forensic Science is a two year course that can be done mostly over the internet, it's not that far beyond the commoners grasp.


That may very well be true, I don't know, but we are in a different country, might just as likely be a three year degree here, I actually think it probably is. As I say, I don't know.


Either way, what I gleaned from them was minimal, bits and pieces that were being said between various people. I was also watching a 1 year old.


I only posted to bring to peoples mind how much we trust people, like estate agents, and others, to be competent in their own security measures and we trust a lot in people we really don't know sometimes.

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