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Song writing... your method.


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I start with an idea, usually the hook. In most cases, I just start singing the lyrics as I write them. The melody kinda writes itself. Building the first verse and chorus is typically the easiest part. Having something significant to say in the 2nd verse is where the craft really comes in.

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I never specified there should be an age limit for others [confused] ..... I'm speaking for my situation only.... At that time I felt too old to be in a band..... Today at this moment I do not feel that way


I had been playing in a rock band since the 7th grade, and giggin since the 8th grade with pretty much the same people.... After 11 years it just got old.

I didn't mean you, just that notion in general and why it's impressed on us when we're young. Did you "Just feel that way," or was it that silly notion society has had since Rock and Roll was born?

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Guest FarnsBarns

I'm sure the methods I've used are not the most efficient but in the past the band would get together and just jam. If something good started to come out we'd run with it. Once we had a chord sequence, verse, chorus, bridge etc in place wed write some lyrics, then we'd record it with no real arrangement, listen to it and start getting an arrangement together. After as many recordings as it took we'd have have a song. Then we would have to rehearse it to fix it in our minds as the final product.

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I didn't mean you, just that notion in general and why it's impressed on us when we're young. Did you "Just feel that way," or was it that silly notion society has had since Rock and Roll was born?


I no longer felt comfortable in that skin, and I wasn't productive musically anymore.

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I think there are a number of factors involved, but I understand and know where you're coming from. My guitar student who went furthest as a pro - a cupla Warner albums and some charted singles in the 80s - just plain got tired of the road, too. It's incredibly hard work doing things that way compared to how Bob Norton does it. Last I heard, that one was a CPA in the LA area.


So... A lot also depends on other factors in life, too.


I don't think age has a darned thing to do with it per se. But we humans do tend to go through cycles and such. When anything stops being rewarding, it's probably time to lay off it before it stops being entirely. Been there, done that.



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I don't (really) have a "method" for writing songs. Lyrics, seem to come

pretty easily, to me. (Whether they're any good, is another matter...;>))

Chord progressions, are more difficult, only because everything has been

done, and they all sound like "something else," in my head. But, that's

somewhat less of a "block," now...everyone borrows melodies, even the

best writers. Quite often, from "Classical" music. I DO try, to come up

with a unique arrangement, at least. Not being "Classically" trained, or

being able to read music, and only playing by ear, may be a hindrance, too?

Not sure. But, I do write lyrics down, as they come to me...even if only

certain lines, or phrases...to expand up, later.



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Funny thing, I don't remember any age limit specified in the paper work or owners manual that came with any of my guitars. In fact it doesn't make sense, a plumber doesn't quit right when he's getting good at plumbing. I'd sure like to know where this age limit crap comes from.



I had a wife and kids, had been in a band for 2 years that, instead of making money, was now costing me $35 a week for a rehearsal room.


Some call it age, I call it maturity... and accepting the responsibilty for being the bread winner for my family. I droppped music and made money instead.



I'm 49 now... the house is paid for, the vehicles are paid for, the kid's college is funded, I have a nice nest egg...... and rock like I never did when I was younger. Age means nothing, but maturity and responsibility paid the bills that music likely never would have :).

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