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!! The CJ Was Still There!

Buc McMaster

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As i have been otherwise occupied, I haven't even taken my guitar out of it's case since well before Christmas. Well the other projects are at a bit of a pause for a short while so last night I swept all the junk off the top of the case and lo and behold the guitar was still inside! Haven't seen the little CJ for along time.........she still looks nice. I tuned it and played for an hour or so, sang a couple songs I used to know (ha!) and had a good time with an old friend. My fingertips are a bit tender this morning but that will soon pass, assuming I pick it up again before another four months passes.


It was nice to sit and strum awhile..........

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Good for you Buc, great to hear she's out enjoying the spring air !


Just out of couriosity, when she was in her case for months did you use a case humidifier ?


Im wondering if there were any negative effects on the guitar in terms of dryness, action, etc ...if the guitar sat in the case for months over the winter period without himidification in case you did not use any ?


Welcome back !



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Hey Aussie! No, no apparent ill effects from wintering in the case. It was out of tune to the low side a bit but not bad. I did not use extra humidification of any kind in the case or otherwise......never have worried much about that kind of thing. Action was good as I remembered it being and it plays just like it did before. I will, however, have to work on building up my fingertip pads!

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