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Sooo i've been working out for 3 months now...


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Well done man!


I'm 5'11" and around 270...


I'm back at it now that the weather has improved. Weights 3 nights a week... fighting twice a week (armoured, for 2-3 hours), pell work with the sword and shield every night (that there are no tornados!) and of course, work, which involves carrying my tool kit, vaccuum, and laptop. I don't park close to the buildings so I have to port my gear farther. Hopefully, barring injury, I'll be below 250 by Summer's end.


I missed the week long War this year because of work, or I'd already be well on my way there. It's the beautiful thing about the middle ages: no horse means you gotta walk all over the 100 acre site, hauling your armour and weapons to every battle... it's a week of pure excercise and little time for eating, so it's a good way to drop 10 to 15 pounds :D!

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Good for you shred, looks like you are on your way to a good thing.


I wanted to loose 5 pounds before spring arrived and was on my way but after 20 days on antibiotics and steroids I am up like 5 pounds, now I need to lose 10.


The hunger that steroids cause is pretty irrational, ugh

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I started at age 12. That's a few years ago. I still train for me, the old way. Long story on the overall experience, but perhaps best not to go there.



That makes me a relative newbie. I'm always glad to meet people who train - g'day from Oz! Seems like a lot of people here are keen on taking better care of themselves. It's expensive to buy home equipment here and very easy to spend $2,000 on a treadmill, for example.

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