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Don't sleep naked


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I keep a sock next to my bed for that exact reason. I figure in case of a fire or emergency of some sort. I will be found wandering the front lawn ala Red Hot Chilli Peppers. And yes its a full length tube sock I dont wear ankle socks [flapper]

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I will never not sleep naked, the feeling of satin sheets is grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat! If people cant deal with looking at your junk just tell them not to look, its not your fault the building caught on fire, unless those scented candles slipped off the dresser and onto the massage oils.


+1 [thumbup]

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I just can't see, how in an emergency someone would take the time to put on clothes when your guitars could be on fire.

They are put beside the window, so when you crawl out, you can quickly grab them and go.

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I keep a sock next to my bed for that exact reason.



A sock, eh?


Back in the dark ages, when I was in boot camp, we had a guy who simply couldn't handle bein' in the Army, (we were drafted back then).


When he left, we had to tear down his bed....well.... there were socks in his sheets..... ugly "stiff" socks...... we all KNEW what they were for....


We knocked the socks off the bed with a broom....no one would touch 'em....... still makes me shiver!

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