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Don't sleep naked


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And NOW we know why firemen make so much money!


In a pinch, the firefighter can use whats in front of him as an extra clamp for the various aparatus or perhaps park his bicycle.



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Don't Sleep Naked... especially when the lady's husband shows up unexpectedly.


I have learned to carry my " Marriage Counselor Certificate " with me at all times, as well as keeping my ' get away quick ' Segway fully charged, and located


by the back door..........

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Don't Sleep Naked... especially when the lady's husband shows up unexpectedly.


I've been married for over 33 years....so that'll tell you how long ago this happened......


Met a girl..... went to her apartment.....we ended up upstairs in her bedroom...... her B/F came over after he got off work, (like 1 AM)......


I ended up out the window on top of the carport putting on my clothes......


I talked to the guy years later, (they got married), he told me he KNEW I was there.... he knew my car.......


For some reason, I wasn't invited to the wedding!


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i was a fire fighter for 10yrs. and the only two fatalities i found were people who were half dressed. so keeping cloths next to the bed, your better off grabbing them and get dressed outside.


or dont sleep naked

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i was a fire fighter for 10yrs. and the only two fatalities i found were people who were half dressed. so keeping cloths next to the bed, your better off grabbing them and get dressed outside.


or dont sleep naked



Not to mention a great form of birth control!

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Bah, just keep a pair of slightly over sized basket ball shorts at the foot of your bed, near your feet. No buttons or zippers, and are stretchy and wide enough for quick entry. Works wonders of fast get-a-ways. That combined with a shirt, flip flops, and wallet with spare car key (all can be kept in the pockets of the shorts, and put on later) and your set for the day after your house is gone.

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I will never not sleep naked, the feeling of satin sheets is grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreat! If people cant deal with looking at your junk just tell them not to look, its not your fault the building caught on fire, unless those scented candles slipped off the dresser and onto the massage oils.

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