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Does your dog have arthritis?


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As the title says. My dog has just been diagnosed as having it in the spine, tail, hips and knees. What do you do to help your dog? Any tips? I find mine likes a hot water bottle of an evening on her bad hip. The vet is trying various tablets but nothing's working yet.

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Buddy, my 15 year old Golden Retriever, has one front paw that gets a little swollen the day after we take a long walk. He hasn't been officially diagnosed; I give him a couple baby aspirin in a piece of cheese and he seems to do okay. Luckily he hasn't had any hip problems. Lately his hind legs have been slipping out from underneath him and he has a hard time changing directions (which may be more vision related). I chalk it up to his advanced age and just go day by day. I don't care if I have to cart him around in a wheelbarrow, he's my Bud.



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my 190lbs mastif has arthritis in his back and hips. the vet put him on steroids and some sort of pain/inflammation pills. it got so bad we almost had him put down, till the vet wanted to try the pills.


he gets around better now. he has developed selective hearing now.

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I think if you're lucky enough to have them into an old age they all tend to get some sort of arthritis. I've had a couple dogs who've gotten it as they got older. I found that getting them off the floor in the winter with a nice "bagel bed" seemed to help somewhat. One I gave aspirin twice a day and that seemed to help, and more recently I gave our older guy Dasaquin--a glucosamine/chondrotin supplement--for the last few years of his life and that seemed to help somewhat. The Dasaquin is pricey, but seemed to help. Our current guy is still a youngster--3-- with no signs of trouble, but an x-ray of his hips when he was about a year old showed mild dysplasia in one hip, so we've had him on a low dose of Dasaquin since just as a preventative for problems down the road. The hip may well have wound up normal as he finished maturing, but I'm giving him one of the Dasaquins every day just in case. I take glucosamine for my own knees, so I guess it's a pack activity!

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+1 for Glucosimine and Chondroitin - We recently lost our Sharpei/Chow "Pudd" that we loved for 16 years - What a hole in the world. For the last 5 or six years of her life she was having trouble getting around and the vet suggested a product called "Joint Care" from in internet pet provider - Great stuff but very expensive when dispensed every day - We finally started buying Human grade Glucosimine/Chondroitin at Sam's Club - About a quarter the price and worked like gangbusters.


At any rate, cost is really immaterial when it comes to a family member - Get your trusted friend whatever gives them comfort and Love em' while you got em' - When they finally leave they're gone for an awfully long time!


Hopes and prayers that your good bud enjoys many years with you from Dottie and me!



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I have a 10-year old dog who is a little stiff at times, so I give him a "dog aspirin" twice a day.


I also recommend Ascriptin (Sp.?), which is like Maalox coated aspirin. The dogs can tolerate the coated aspirin much better than plain aspirin.


My dogs are little, so sometimes if one of them has a hitch in their giddy-up, I'll give them a baby aspirin, (81 mg).


I agree with the Glucosamine, but you have to do it Prophylactically.


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