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Gibson Sg


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Typically it's starting a thread in hopes of starting a flame war, arguments, some combo of those, and or posting a post designed to draw someone into an argument or fight....


( I fell for troll bait twice, never again..)

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ohkay, cool..thanks for that, I now understand what people are goin on about haha [biggrin]


It's an interesting 'thing' that I didn't understand myself Clash80, then I learned...........


Many of us have been here for a long time, and know each other fairly well; often 'barbs' are thrown back and forth in fun, and jest,


which can be hard for a newbie to follow, and sometimes genuine arguments happen..These aren't classic trolling...


Then there's trolling................

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I have been able to pick up on the difference between you guys just messin with each other and real arguements and I've been able to decifer a few terms and abbreviations used but there are some that i just have no clue, like 'Trolling'.

But i understand now hehe [laugh]

I'll understand the rest soon...

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